Echte naam
Marcy Winograd
Over mijn bibliotheek
I've taught middle school and high school English for many years, so I've read a lot of tween and young adult fiction. I recommend The Giver, To Kill a Mockingbird, The Outsiders, Tuck Everlasting, Like Water for Chocolate, and The Odyssey. I've also read a lot of adult non-fiction, specifically books about the economic crisis, privatization, and neo-liberalism. My favorites include The Shock Doctrine and Fire in the Ashes. In addition, I like to read books about transforming our schools and engaging students in life-long learning. Glasser's Schools without Failure is a prize.
Over mij
I am a public high school teacher, writer, and community organizer. Together with Jackie Hirtz, I wrote the tween novel Lola Zola and the Lemonade Crush about a sixth grader determined to rescue her laid-off parents from the jobless blues. Please check out our blog and read the first chapter.
Santa Monica
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Bibliotheken: El Marino Language School Library