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Hudson Taylor (5), Growth 0f the Chinese Church (4), Tibet (4), religious persecution (4), evangelizing various classes and cults (4), China Inland Mission - History (4), Martyrs (4), Missionaries (4), history of OMF in Thailand (4), history of the Chinese Church (4), examples of soul-winning (4), Malaya (4), Africa (4), Mao's Cultural Revolution (4), 3 copies (4), culture (3), missions (3), found in CIM file box (3), Christian (3), John Stam (3), in OMF Pamphlet File box (3), In the pamphlet box (3), Spiritism (3), baptism of the Holy Spirit (3), Gifts of the Holy Spirit (3), Theosophy (3), Church History (3), Buddhism (3), theory of soul-winning (3), FOUND IN PAMPHLET FILE (3), Boxer Rebellion (3), 2 Copies. (3), Taiwan (3), Evangelism (3), Bethel in Manchuria (3), Hinghwa Revival (3), evangelistic campaigns (3), Burma (3), Hudson Taylor (3), Asian Urban ministry (3), Asia (3), Archives (3), Autographed copy (3), Missions; History (3), Universalism (3), Jehovah's Witnesses (3), Christian Science (3), Communist persecution (3), speaking in tongues (3), Lisu (3), Bethel in South and North China (3), Fruit Bearing (2), North Siam (2), Apostles Biography (2), Sudan Interior Mission (2), David Yang (2), Great Is Thy Faithfulness (2), Peter and Rita Spiess (2), Jim and Louise Morris (2), Wang Ming-Dao (2), Meo Tribe (2), White Meo tribespeople (2), tribes of Southwest China (2), Fields for Reaping (2), ten years after the withdrawal of CIM (2), abridged from subtitles: The Growth of a Soul and The Growth of a Work of God (2), Moslems in China (2), J. O. Fraser (2), tribal people of Thailand (2), Flash-Card visuals (2), Dohnavur Fellowship (2), Dwelling In Him (2), Batak race (2), evangelization movement (2), Theravada Buddhism. (2), Ancient Heresies (2), Mormanism--Latter-day Saints (2), other Cults (2), Cambodian Church (2), Pol Pot's Year Zero. (2), Communist Party Religious Policy (2), Life and Revival of the Chinese Church (2), underground church of China (2), home cell units (2), and rituals. Two Copies. (2), Children of Missionaries - Correspondence (2), Turmoil in the Middle East; Armies of Refugees. Corruption in the Church. (2), Elemental truths of the Christian Faith for young Christians. (2), division about gifts of the Holy Spirit (2), Motives of Mission (2), Responsibility of Christians (2), Central Biblical truths. (2), Two Copies. Prayer is the greatest weapon a Christian has. (2), Will Bruce (2), J. O. Sanders (2), Bringing the Gospel to Buddhists around the world. (2), Tsingteh (2), Karo group (2), Africa Evangelical Fellowship (2), Northern Sumatra (2), Republic of Indonesia (2), Kayan long-house community (2), Kelabit tribe (2), Kayan Church (2), Japanese missionary (2), Pioneer missionary (2), First published as "Jet-Age Japan" (1970) Japan (2), Batak Highlands of North Sumatra (2), Mission Relationships (2), personal testimonies in times of danger and illness (2), loneliness affects health (2), When Thou Prayest (2), God's Fellow Workers (2), God's Guiding Hand (2), Memorial Service (2), with a new map of the Empire (2), whose parents died and she was in the care of her uncle and aunt (2), Compendium of magazine articles (2), missionary work around the world (2), change from CIM to OMF (2), Biography of Norman and Amy McIntosh (2), Betty Stam (2), Nurses - Correspondence (2), gifts of the Holy Spirit (2), prayer meeting (2), old age (2), divorce (2), prayer (2), retirement (2), Chinese culture (2), leprosy (2), Holy Spirit (2), Apostles (2), Stephen (2), attrition (2), Watchman Nee (2), tribal (2), Pentecost (2), Southwest China (2), widower (2), Christian Martyrs (2), Santo Domingo (2), Kachin (2), Christadelphianism (2), learning activities (2), rites (2), The Philippines (2), Great Commission (2), China Inland Mission (2), characteristics of God (2), Sarawak (2), personal evangelism (2), senescence (2), Laos (2), mass communication (2), UK (2), Unitarianism (2), global missions (2), Islam (2), Cleopas Lumbantobing (2), church (2), Heathen (2), Roman Catholicism (2), Personal growth (2), bereavement (2), education (2), church survival (2), Singapore (2), Third Edition (2), Persecution (2), missionaries (2), global Christianity (2), Dissertation (2), Hinduism (2), Seventh-Day Adventism (2), Peter (2), Unity (2), Korea (2), Paul (2), Traditions (2), Kalimantan (2), Christianity (2), war (2), Thesis (2), Prayer (2), War (2), Bible New Testament (2), Anglican Church: Singapore. (1), History of the Church in Singapore. (1), Asian social and political conflict (1), Christianity: Singapore Style. 3 Copies. (1), Christianity: Singapore Style. 3 Copies (1), Indochina (1), history of urban ministry (1), Intifada (1), Christianity: Singapore Style. (1), Singapore: Anglican Church. (1), Cambodia and Christianity. 2 Copies. (1), The Church relationship to life and society. (1), Samyong Saelim (1), growth of church (1), peace (1), spirit-world belief system (1), futurism (1), martyrdom (1), Religion. (1), Orthodox Communism (1), Why have Christian Churches survived in China? (1), justice (1), Martin Luther (1), Vibrant Christian Church in China. (1), folk Christianity (1), Church in China. (1), Course - History (1), Chinese life. (1), Chinese reactions to Christianity (1), The Communist Government and the Protestant Church in China. (1), great Church growth. (1), Ultimate authority of the Christian Mission. (1), c.3 (1), John Wycliffe (1), cross-cultural communication (1), Middle East conflict (1), Chinese Communism (1), cross-cultural churches (1), "insider" movements (1), Least reached peoples (1), West Indies (1), New Guinea (1), Christianity and Culture (1), Lebanon (1), Hong Kong (1), Jesus Christ (1), Ethics (1), Punjab (1), Lady Jane Grey (1), Practices (1), Spiritualism (1), Beliefs (1), missionary leaders (1), 3 Copies (1), cultural forms (1), Seventh-Day Adventist (1), archaism (1), cultural resistance (1), overcoming resistance (1), precepts (1), effects of the government on the Church. (1), The traditions of the Hadith of Islam. (1), Third World Roman Catholic Districts (1), Biblical standpoint of health (1), Appreciation of China (1), A new and radically different form of Buddhism. (1), Muslim and Christian. (1), Bring two communities together (1), Missionary culture (1), Break down the barriers of fear and mistrust between Muslims and Christians in the Philippines. (1), Understand Islam in the light of Christian thinking. (1), William Tyndale (1), and practices. (1), Hamas (1), the Hadith is the most important single source of Islamic laws (1), According to the author (1), Study of the devotion of the second largest religious population of the world. (1), so as to open a dialogue with Muslims.. (1), Missionary - personal experience (1), martyrdom. (1), Gaza (1), Anne Askew (1), John Hus (1), West Bank (1), U.S. influence (1)
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Aug 10, 2016

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