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Over mijn bibliotheek
Really I am not adding all the books from my actual library, only the books I either plan to read, or have just read. My library contains books that can be considered very open minded. I really support my authors with a cheer to go for anything! Blow my mind away with something fresh. I love a good cry book, even if I claim to hate it in the middle of a sad spell. If you have any recommendations just throw them at me. I mainly read fantasy (series and non), but will read about anything. I love my Library
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I enjoy reading. As a matter of fact most of the time I am reading, when I am not I am either writing, roleplaying, thinking, cleaning, or (rarely) just relaxing. I don't get out much, which suits my lifestyle, and allows me much more time to do things that really matter. A sad fact; I would rather spend my whole day curled up with a book, then go out in a social setting... not that I am complaining! ^.^ I find it difficult to find a book I don't like, so any genre suits my style xD.
Off reading someplace (^.~)
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