
time:cmu (166), time:bah (95), time:kites (93), time:aml (75), med:textbooks (51), time:exeter (47), time:buckley (43), time:bah:rf (38), time:bah2lnkd (36), time:qatar (35), rec (34), time:lnkd (30), time:cmu:sold (27), com:negotiation (22), lit:american (22), sys:comprehensive (21), med:scifi (20), phl:botton (20), ba:finance (19), lit:japanese:murakami (19), time:ft (18), lit (17), dso (15), loc:nomad (14), car:design (14), ba:accounting (14), loc:africa (13), aca:development (13), psy:personality (13), med:novel (13), loc:sea (13), ba:startup (12), cs (12), ba:consulting (12), ba:management (12), lit:english (11), aca:law (11), aca:economics (11), med:play (10), psy (10), rec:money (10), aca:writing (9), phl (9), cs:ai (9), loc:expat (9), rec:health (8), sys:lifestories (8), aca:tax (8), phl:zen (8), lit:japanese (8), aca:ir (8), car:effectiveness (8), aca:education (8), com:leadership (7), ba:marketing:pr (7), ba:marketing (7), car:bing (7), cs:functional (7), loc:taiwan (7), cs:systems (6), cs:datascience (6), cs:design (6), aca:history (6), psy:happiness (6), sys:todo (6), phl:onlife (6), car:interview (6), ba:2.0 (6), ba:organization (5), loc:china (5), med:poetry (5), lit:magicalrealism (5), cs:ror (5), rec:privacy (5), loc:backpacking (5), car:postgrad (5), loc:hk (5), med:comic (4), lit:russian (4), com:nvc (4), aca:math (4), com:sed (4), com:poly (3), phl:rationality (3), aca:science (2), phl:love (2), phl:naturalism (2), loc:sasia (2), car:generations (2), ba:strategy (2), ba:loyalty (2), ba:airlines (2), cs:bsd (2), psy:physiology (2), rec:fashion (2), phl:rand (2), ba:ppp (1), psy:cogsci (1), phl:religion (1), cs:hardware (1), com:improv (1), phl:linguistics (1), ba:statistics (1)
Trefwoordenwolk, Auteurswolk, Trefwoordenspiegel
Lid sinds
Sep 6, 2007
Over mijn bibliotheek
buckley: Young adult books.
exeter: A large focus on American literature (books on the nature of America or written by quintessentially American authors). A smattering of English literature.
cmu: Majored in computer science, business. Research in africa, history, development. Interests in career, zen.
qatar: Summer after graduation through Qatar. Began with GEB/summer of "clearance" reading. Interests in international relations (FSO), cogsci, ai. Ended with some literature.
bah: Thoughts on future career incl. graduate school in law? Reading about consulting, strategy, organization, 2.0, ppp for work (through ribbonfarm). Lean startup.
lnkd: preinterview (negotiation, pmm, pm), delving into symsys/cogsci/linguistics/truenames (via scifi).
kites: Following a general pattern of being more interested in intuition and fluidity over rigid description to get at the "essence" of things, fascinated over Murakami's work.
aml: Airlines, loyalty, data science, economics, and management.

My favorite genre is probably Magical Realism because it has taught me so much on how to live. It is related to meta-narration and mythology. It is a departure from the traditionally heavy continental literature (attempts to portray the world through a Realist's lens).
San Francisco, CA
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