Over mij
Hmmm... what do I say about myself? I'm an eclectic Pagan who's learning a lot from Buddhism these days; working in the IT sector; writing, editing and proofing; and desperately trying to get back into the hang of regular meditation...

I have a thing about learning from fiction and pop culture, and I'm an incorrigible (encourageable?) polyfandom fangirl. I love reading well-written, well-characterised fiction (fanfiction or original, published or otherwise) - genre-wise, I have a soft spot for urban fantasy and supernatural chick pr0n, and I'm just starting to enjoy some of the more character-driven military sci-fi (think David Weber and Elizabeth Moon) sets as well.

I'm a poet, a priestess, an initiate of the First Church of Joss Whedon, a martial artist, a wife, a daughter, a sister, a writer, a friend; and occasionally, in between all of that, I remember to take time out and just be Starfire for a while.
New Zealand
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