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Sue Duffy (niDhubnthaigh)
Over mijn bibliotheek
About a decade and a half ago, I decided to make a resolution not to spend so much of my disposable income on books. Therefore, over the years I've pared down my library considerably, only keeping what I will re-read, and what I will use for reference purposes, so it grows very slowly. However, I eagerly consume library books, visit the library on a weekly basis, reserve and save library book searches on-line at my local library, and consider some of the library books to be "my" books, because I recommend them to friends. So my Library Thing library consists of books I own, and books I care enough about to recommend. But I'll only post books that have a favorable rating from me.

My home library currently is six 7'bookcases-no idea at all the number of books as I've never catelogued them. They include history (all sorts), ethnography, myth, geology, astronomy, all things Celtic (language, history, myth, art), philosophy, fantasy, sci-fi, speculative history.
Over mij
This spring, April 26, 2008, I again organized the King William Parade for Fiesta in San Antonio. The Grand Marshal was Rose Catacalos poet and executive director of Gemini Ink here in San Antonio (look for Gemini events listed here at LibraryThing). The photo here is from Gemini's entry in the Parade. Once again, Half-Price donated 6,000 to 7,000 children's books which were handed out along the parade route. The parade had a number of "literary" entries, including a belly dancing/drum group with limericks, and the San Antonio Public Library with kids dressed as book characters.

On April 28, 2007, I organized the King William Parade for Fiesta in San Antonio.(Small as far as Fiesta goes, but considered the "funkiest" and most "eclectic" parade during Fiesta.) We had an author (Rick Riordan) who is a local resident, as well as author of both YA and adult books, serve as grand marshal. A group of young boys who are readers served as Riordan's honor guard. I solicited and had different parade participants give away thousands of children's books along the parade route. I am proud to have organized all this with only three months' notice.

Started reading at a very early age and continued non-stop. Used reading to escape large number of siblings by climbing a tree with a book. In the 5th grade, I turned in 200 book reports. I started reading to my son in utero (he's now 26 and an avid reader himself). College was a number of years of self-exploring, earning enough hours for three or more degrees. Auto-didact (science, history, art, plants, gardening, wine, etc).

Currently make jewelry. Working on a book of speculative, philosophical fiction set in Islamic Spain at the turn of the first millenium involving historical persona and fictional characters as well. This book involves tons of research, which I only periodically dive into.

My motto: "a day without reading is a day without sunshine" (paraphrase of an old orange juice commercial).
Music is almost as important to me as reading - not playing, but enjoying and exploring, especially world music, classical, blues, jazz.

I have belonged to the same bookclub since 1993.
San Antonio, TX

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