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Dec 4, 2016
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Divya Parekh
Over mij
Divya Parekh is an in-demand motivational speaker, a leading business relationship and leadership coach, and an Amazon best seller. Divya has guided many entrepreneurs, CEOs, and management personnel into realizing their goals and reaching their next level of accomplishment. She accomplishes this through her individual coaching sessions, leadership talks, and workshops. Divya’s best-selling books, including her newest, The Entrepreneur’s Garden – The Nine Essential Relationships to Cultivate Your Wildly Successful Business, serve as the foundation for many leaders in business and other organizations. Her other books include Stress Management, Mindfulness Mastery, Critical Thinking, Candid Critique, Appreciative Inquiry, Leadership and Influence, and Emotional Intelligence. She also co-authored the international best-selling book, The Voyage to Your Vision.

First and foremost, Divya Parekh values people, and it is her connection with clients and audiences that make her so effective. She communicates well with everyone and brings her 25+ years of experience in academia and the entrepreneur world into her teaching. This wealth of knowledge combines with her formal training in mentoring and coaching to have individuals, companies, and organizations seeking her out for her knowledge and expertise. Divya works on the international level with leaders, achievers, and entrepreneurs. She believes the key factor in success on any level is the partnerships we cultivate. For her, the relationship is king. She helps others to learn the exponential power in developing a thorough understanding of your business partners and giving of yourself. She provides her services to the academia, corporate, and entrepreneurial worlds on how to seed, grow and sustain productive relationships.

Her compelling interactive presentations, talks, and workshops are always well received and given high marks of success and acclaim. If you are looking for knowledge and inspiration to help you or your organization move forward in our highly competitive and fast changing world, go to her website for more details and contact information: