
None (2), I enjoyed it much more. Her bias is still apparent but I could look past that. (1), Both Berkeley novels that I read ended with main character deciding what justice was to be exacted. Would a third in the series end the same way? (1), I was surprised to discover that Aird is still publishing books. A new Inspector Sloan book came out this year. (1), I am reminded of why I still enjoy reading Agatha Christie. Usually in Christie's novels the victim is a villain. I did not enjoy the deaths of so many good people in this novel. (1), but I did not recognize anything about this story. It is definitely not a favorite. (1), This was a favorite movie when I was young. After reading the play recently (1), This is the sequel to Revenge of the Middle-Aged Wife and is told from the perspective of the second wife. I discovered that I felt real sympathy for her as she dealt with the challenges of being the wife and mother of a second family. (1), It took me awhile to get past the sorrow of the first half of the novel. I am glad I hung in there because I enjoyed the book. Definitely a book for older women. For which I qualify! (1), She also writes period mysteries and children's books under the name of Kathy Lynn Emerson. (1), I never have been able to see them in my mind as I read. (1), Despite her long discriptions of landscape and climbing areas (1), I was sure that I had read this book before (1), I read this many years ago and recall feeling slightly disappointed. It is so obvious that Agatha Christie felt negative about the younger generation. Reading recently (1), I really enjoyed it. (1), I was entertained by this book but really disappointed when the heroine went riding wearing a morning dress she had gone for a walk in. (1), but was a bit disappointed that one of the mysteries was solved by an urban legend or wives' tale. (1), I enjoyed the wonderful people populating Smith's series as usual (1), I wonder if the movie was better than this or whether my taste was very bad. (1), loving books and loving a city. (1), I spent a delightful afternoon laughing with Nora Ephron about growing older (1), but when I did get involved in the story (1), It took awhile to get into this period mystery (1), This was a great disappointment to me. It is a futuristic novel and not at all like the other books that she wrote. (1), This is the first Agatha Christie that I read and it is still one of my favorites. (1), One of my favorite of Christie's (1), I watched a version of this recently on television and had to get the book out to see if the television version was at all like the book. The TV show had taken a great many liberties with the original story. I wonder who in the Christie family gave such f (1)
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Jun 15, 2007