
Auteurswolk, Trefwoordenspiegel
Lid sinds
May 7, 2006
Echte naam
Jim Allcorn
Over mijn bibliotheek
I've been collecting books of one sort or another for as long as I've been reading. It began with comics, which I collected until I was 18, & monster magazines. Then paperbacks & hardcovers. I have many Stephen King first edition HCs which I've collected since '78. I also love vintage horror paperbacks from the '60s & '70s. I'm a reader first & a collector second, but I can't imagine ever parting with my books. The books that I list here are just a portion of my entire collection. A few of my favorite authors. One day I'll spring for a paid membership & catalog everything though.
Over mij
I am ( as I'm sure most here are... ) a voracious reader. Have been for just about my entire 44 years. Began with comic books & Famous Monsters of Filmland & graduated on to horror fiction at about 12. Horror fiction remains my fav genre, but these days I probably split my time equally between it & hardboiled crime fiction.