Echte naam
Kim Krause
Over mijn bibliotheek
My personal library consists of a number of genres. But after taking this inventory, I would say the thing that stands out most to me is the number of books about asking questions. I like books that have question marks at the end of the title--then I know it's gonna be good! Means I'm gonna learn something!
In all, I think the reading choices I make reflect my great sense of curiosity in life. As stated above, I do have questions, and I think that's why I'm drawn to so many subjects. I just want to know!
Over mij
Probably foremost, I find it important to learn about and appreciate as much as I can, to feed my mind and experience with information on a well-rounded number of subjects. Be it music, or humour, or photography. I'm beginning to fall in love with the art of filmmaking. And then there's the fascinating world of the sciences and flight, and pyschology--anything about people and what makes us all tick really interests me. Particularly all our ironies/idiosyncrases (which I think makes great film, humour, etc..)
In the end, it comes down to communications. What I learn, what inspires me, I want to share. I need both these things. And by sharing I mean in live discussion, or in writing, or the visual arts. It's all about growth, making the connections..building bridges..strengthening relationships--enjoying the gift of life.
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