
Auteurswolk, Trefwoordenspiegel
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Sep 24, 2010
Over mijn bibliotheek
My library is full of Stephen King. He is the first author I read extensively. I love the worlds he creates, where the unbelievable feels so real. I love his early works the most. As far as I can tell the scariest story I ever read was his short story "The Monkey" from The Skeleton Crew. I'll admit it's been over 20 years since I scanned it's pages. In fact I can't remember much about the story at all. But I can still remember like it was yesterday how my skin tingled after I read it. That's what I look for in a story whether I'm reading it or writing it. That's why I'm drawn to anything written by Stephen King, HP Lovecraft, and Edgar Allen Poe.
Over mij
I'm 50 years old. I love to write, always have. My favorite genres are Sci-Fi and Horror. There are no walls and only one rule- create your own world, your own reality. The only limit is how far your imagination can take you. When you're done, where there was nothing, there now exists something. The lone measuring stick is how real you can make it feel. I love that challenge.

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