
Trefwoordenwolk, Auteurswolk, Trefwoordenspiegel
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Mar 15, 2007
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Over mijn bibliotheek
My library is fairly specific ~ I like namely the Star Wars saga and all the books contained therein. I am an enormous fan of science fiction, especially the classic writers like Isaac Asimov and such. I find that books with continuing story lines are better; you get a lasting story, in-depth knowledge of main characters and the stories can wander to the imaginations delight. In addition to Star Wars, I find the Dune series and Greg Bear's Thistledown/Axis City/The Way stories quite compelling. Every so often it is necessary to launch in a complete literary vacation such as the Ringworld series and even Douglas Adams and his Hitchhiker's tales.

I am starting to collect religious books also; although I would be more classified as an agnostic. I am starting to read books on the history of religion and how we have to come to it in modern times. It's difficult however to find authors that are definitively historical without all the Easter egg hunting to prove modern Christianity. Often, the historical writers are dull and the accounts are presented as drab as humanly possible. I would encourage writers to present the past in less of a thesis and more of exciting history. There is a book of mine in storage that describes history from the viewpoint of fictional characters; it allowed the reader to travel from the Ice Age to modern England, using personnae that we could relate to. I believe the book is called Sarum, which is the ancient word for Salisbury, England.
Over mij
Well let's see. I could give the standard ~ 38, gwm, Chicago-thing or maybe something more exotic. I think I'll go for a more in-depth approach this time around.

My name is Nic, I fly for an international airline out of Chicago. I used to fly internationally, but am now stuck on domestic for a while. Believe me, domestic is the pits; if I even mentioned half the stuff I've seen passengers do, you'd be astonished. I'm of the belief that classiness and good manners have flown right out the window in the U.S. of A. I have lived all over the United States and Europe; we plan one day to move to Vancouver, British Columbia.

The picture you see in the upper-right is a pteroglyph (rock drawing) by the Anasazi culture of northwestern Utah (specifically Dinosaur National Monument). My partner is from Utah and wants to show me all the neat, natural places in that state.

Despite the obvious love of travel, I speak seven (7) languages moderately well; which allows me to go almost anywhere on the globe and find someone who can converse with me. It's also very useful in the transportation industry (where I've worked for some 16 years now).

Okay, we've talked about travel, languages, common courtesy; now I guess we'll wax a little about being gay in these modern times. First off, my partner is fantastic and I want to be with him for the rest of my life. He is both extremely handsome (said by many others, not just me) and mondo-talented (mondo - Californian word meaning extremely). I am pretty far removed from the stereotypical gay man, nor do I subscribe to the straight-acting crowd. I've decided that I'm just going to be me and to hell with classifications. Also, as it pertains to "God" and my life, He/She/It and I have a good understanding and I've pretty well be shown that H/S/I made me to be happy and a good person, so that's what I'm trying to do...

I am also deeply immersed in my family's genealogy. Our family story goes back to the mid 1500's through quite a few branches. To date, we have added over 8500 people throughout history to our story. The twists and turns are fascinating, mixed with extremely hum-drum lives. See what your family has to offer!
Chicago, IL, USA