
Auteurswolk, Trefwoordenspiegel
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Jan 3, 2008
Over mij
I'm a graduate student in science, but readings/books/literature are my lifelong habit. I have a huge geek side, but also a jock side, an introvert side, a life-of-the-party side, an instigator side...I like being multi-faceted, though it does tend to confuse people. Reading is my favorite quiet activity, though I do a lot of other things (socializing, working out, sports, travel, etc.) to balance it out. Sometimes I think reading is my addiction, since I often use it to distract me from the trials and irritations of daily life and sometimes as a way to pass the down times or to escape from reality as well as just because it's enjoyable, but really, as a habit it's pretty benign and often beneficial :)

Note: I read quite fast in that I have never been able to read line by line, but look at a whole paragraph and the entire chunk just sort of gets sucked up as a whole. I've always read like this, since I was three, and though I do speed up (fluff, easy reading) or slow down (journal articles, technical reading), I'm able to get through a book rather quickly without sacrificing any comprehension or skipping sections. Thank goodness for libraries and used bookstores...