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Over mijn bibliotheek
Crime and fantasy based with the odd non-fiction tinge. I'm a real adventure story addict and love reading about expeditions up K2 and Everest. I'm endlessly fascinated by how far human beings can push themselves. I also love travel writing. I hadn't left Britain until 5 or 6 years ago and in an effort to make up for lost time, may have been a bit er...enthusiastic :O) Japan is an endless obsession.
Over mij
30 something girl geek with a bad enough memory to need to catalogue all her books so the next time she ends up in a 2nd hand bookshop she doesn't bring home yet another copy of _that_ missing Phil Rickman or Donna Leon :O)
I work as a geek, live in the West Pennines in Lancs, love hills, water, going to gigs, electronica, maps and navigating and well duh, books. :O) I live with my partner, who has a slightly more healthy attitude to books than me :O)
West Pennines
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