Auteurswolk voor Gaudium

Mortimer J. Adler(1) Kurt Aland(2) Hans Christian Andersen(1) Dionysius the Areopagite(1) Aristotle(1) Michael Augros(1) Augustine(1) Saint Augustine(4) Jane Austen(4) multiple authors(1) Teresa de Ávila(1) Kenneth Baker(1) Hans Urs von Balthasar(1) Belloc (H)(3) Hilaire Belloc(3) Charles E. Bennett(1) David Berger(1) Lisa Bergman(1) Bernard of Clairvaux(1) William R. Bloomfield(1) William Bonniwell(1) Time-Life Books(1) John P. Boyle(1) Bronte(1) Emily Brontë(1) Evelyn M. Brown(1) Raphael Brown(1) J. Budziszewski(3) Caleb Carr(1) Carroll(2) Warren Carroll(10) Chiesa cattolica(2) Richard Challoner(1) Geoffrey Chaucer(1) Christine Chaundler(1) G.K. Chesterton(2) Barbara Cohen(1) John F. Collins(1) Rama P. Coomaraswamy(1) James Fenimore Cooper(1) Frederick Copleston(1) Robert Coughlan(1) St. John of the Cross(1) Denis Crouan(1) David B. Currie(1) Michael Davies(3) Thomas Day(1) Daniel Defoe(1) John J. Delaney(1) Theodore C. Denise(1) Heinrich-Peter Hunermann Denzinger(1) Heinrich Denzinger(1) Charles Dickens(5) Fyodor Dostoevsky(4) Arthur Conan Doyle(3) Avery Dulles(1) Alexandre Dumas(2) Jacques Dupuis(1) Mark W. Elliott(1) Peter J. Elliott(1) Anne Catherine Emmerich(1) Jorge Cardinal Medina Estevez(1) Eusebius(1) Austin Fagothey(1) Edward Feser(4) The Right Reverend Monsignor Dante Del Fiorentino(1) James Fitzhenry(1) Gustave Flaubert(1) Michael P. Foley(1) H.W. Fowler(1) Richard R. Gaillardetz(4) Klaus Gamber(1) Henry Garnett(1) Patrick J. Geary(1) Étienne Gilson(3) Domenico Giuliotti(1) Richard H. Green(1) Brothers Grimm(1) Romano Guardini(1) John Hardon(1) Thomas Hardy(1) Nathaniel Hawthorne(2) Albert J. Hebert(1) Walter Hildebrand(1) James Hitchcock(1) Margaret Hodges(1) Michael W. Holmes(1) Holy Spirit(2) Homer(2) Conn Iggulden(1) H. W. Crocker III(1) Pope John Paul II(2) Michael Jackson(1) Henry James(2) Steven J. Jensen(1) Trans.) Plato (benjamin Jowett(1) James Joyce(1) John P. Joy(4) Immanuel Kant(1) Karl Keating(1) Bennet Kelley(1) Walter Kern(1) Thomas L. Kinkead(1) Rudyard Kipling(1) Thomas M. Kocik(1) Peter Kreeft(13) Kenneth Scott Latourette(1) Alan Lee(1) Erasmo Leiva-Merikakis(1) C. S. Lewis(5) Sainte Thérèse de Lisieux(1) John Locke(1) Sr. M. Imelda Wallace S. L.(1) Niccolò Machiavelli(1) Alasdair MacIntyre(1) Fr. Demetrius Manousos(1) Calvin and the Editors of Time-Life Books [Duchamp Marcel] Tomkins(1) Gordon Marino(1) C.C. Martindale(1) Caitlín Matthews(1) Theodore Maynard(1) Ralph M. McInerny(2) Simon Millar(1) A. A. Milne(1) Curtis Mitch(1) Pietro Molla and Elio Guerriero(1) Thomas More(2) Martin Mosebach(1) John Henry Newman(3) Aidan Nichols(1) Richard A. Norris(1) James T. O'Connor(1) David S. Oderberg(2) Timothy Terrance O'Donnell(1) Alfredo Ottaviani(1) Ludwig Ott(1) Pius Parsch(1) Blaise Pascal(1) Josef Pieper(3) Servais Pinckaers(2) Plato(1) Beatrix Potter(1) Alexandre Dumas(1) Howard Pyle(1) Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger and Vittorio Messori(1) Stephen K. Ray(2) Christopher Rengers(1) E. V. Rieu(1) Robert and the Editors of Time-Life Books Wallace(1) Jonathan Robinson(1) William C. Rusch(1) Francis de Sales(1) Charles Santore(1) Dorothy L. (Translator) Anon. Sayers(1) Cora C. Scanlon(1) Christoph Schönborn(1) Sir Walter Scott(1) William Shakespeare(1) F. J. Sheed(2) Fulton J. Sheen(1) Mary Shelley(1) Catherine of Siena(2) Stampley(1) Donna Steichen(1) Leo F. Stelten(1) Guy Stern(1) Robert Louis Stevenson(1) Peter M. J. Stravinskas(1) Francis A. Sullivan(3) Robert A. Sungenis(3) Jonathan Swift(1) Norman P. Tanner(1) Thomas Aquinas(13) J. R. R. Tolkien(6) Leo Tolstoy(2) John Traupman(1) Warren C. Trenchard(1) Ullman(1) Various(1) Dietrich von Hildebrand(2) Abbot Vonier(1) Robert Wallace(1) William Thomas Walsh(1) Evelyn Waugh(2) Steve Weidenkopf(1) John Wetherell(1) Edith Wharton(1) Frederic M. Wheelock(1) Oscar Wilde(1) April Wilson(1) Ralph M. Wiltgen(1) John F. Wippel(2) Pope Leo XIII(1) Pope Benedict XVI(14) John Zmirak(3) Cecile Zorach(1)