Controversiële boeken voor PeteGreen

Deze pagina toont de meest controversiële boeken in deze bibliotheek op basis van de hoogste standaarddeviatie van de beoordelingen van leden.

Standaarddeviatie Gemiddelde waardering Jouw beoordeling Titel
1.575 3.58 The Greatest Book on "Dispensational Truth" in the World door Clarence Larkin
1.272 3.47 The Purpose Driven Life door Rick Warren
1.217 3.76 Not a Day Goes By: A Novel door E. Lynn Harris
1.202 3.64 One Nation: What We Can All Do to Save America's Future door Ben Carson
1.158 3.57 The Covenant with Black America door Tavis Smiley
1.142 3.81 Piet de Smeerpoets : een aardig prentenboek met leerzame vertellingen door Heinrich Hoffmann
1.136 3.15 Mannen komen van Mars, vrouwen van Venus door John Gray
1.12 3.7 Sambo, het kleine zwarte jongetje door Helen Bannerman
1.118 4.19 Life and Times of Frederick Douglass door Frederick Douglass
1.117 3.42 Miss Hickory door Carolyn Sherwin Bailey
1.116 3.45 The Greatest: My Own Story door Muhammad Ali
1.115 3.47 Black Ice door Lorene Cary
1.101 3.75 Letters From a Slave Girl: The Story of Harriet Jacobs door Mary E. Lyons
1.096 3.98 Makes Me Wanna Holler: A Young Black Man in America door Nathan McCall
1.092 3.91 From Slavery to Freedom: A History of African Americans door John Hope Franklin
1.082 3.83 How Many Days to America?: A Thanksgiving Story door Eve Bunting
1.056 3.47 Time on the Cross: The Economics of American Negro Slavery door Robert William Fogel
1.04 3.96 Culpeper's Complete Herbal door Nicholas Culpeper
1.024 3.98 De Hairstons door Henry Wiencek
1.013 4.09 Flyy Girl door Omar Tyree
1.009 3.55 Love, Janis door Laura Joplin
1.005 3.75 Sounder de hond door William H. Armstrong
1.003 3.91 De avondschemering in de verte : roman door Elie Wiesel
1.002 3.94 Life Is So Good door George Dawson
1 3.78 De hut van oom Tom door Harriet Beecher Stowe
0.993 3.62 The Salt Eaters door Toni Cade Bambara
0.988 3.89 De avonturen van Huckleberry Finn door Mark Twain
0.985 3.47 Uncle Remus: His Songs & His Sayings door Joel Chandler Harris
0.983 3.62 The Measure of a Man: A Spiritual Autobiography door Sidney Poitier
0.976 3.99 En ze keken naar God door Zora Neale Hurston
0.974 3.13 Star Trek: The Motion Picture [novelization] door Gene Roddenberry
0.971 3.48 Yes I Can: The Story of Sammy Davis, Jr. door Sammy Davis Jr.
0.964 3.76 Quicksand and Passing door Nella Larsen
0.963 3.77 De zegeningen van het moederschap door Buchi Emecheta
0.957 3.96 John Brown's Body door Stephen Vincent Benét
0.957 3.82 The Cay door Theodore Taylor
0.956 3.97 In slavernij door Harriet A. Jacobs
0.954 4.01 They Thought They Were Free: The Germans, 1933-45 door Milton Mayer
0.945 3.92 Slaven in de familie door Edward Ball
0.943 3.91 Rap a Tap Tap: Here's Bojangles--Think of That! door Leo Dillon
0.941 3.8 Nisa: The Life and Words of a !Kung Woman door Marjorie Shostak
0.94 4.19 The Ways of White Folks: Stories door Langston Hughes
0.939 3.86 De tovenaar van Oz door L. Frank Baum
0.938 3.94 Dream Boogie: The Triumph of Sam Cooke door Peter Guralnick
0.936 4.27 Gejaagd door de wind door Margaret Mitchell
0.936 3.72 Kent State: What Happened and Why door James A. Michener
0.936 3.81 Fences door August Wilson
0.934 3.63 Coffee Will Make You Black: A Novel door April Sinclair
0.932 4.02 Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass, an American Slave door Frederick Douglass
0.93 3.37 Eerlijk als Gold door Joseph Heller
0.929 3.99 Inhuman Bondage: The Rise and Fall of Slavery in the New World door David Brion Davis
0.928 3.64 Onderweg het dagboek van een tocht van 1000 kilometer met paard en wagen in 1894 door Laura Ingalls Wilder
0.927 4.09 Leven en werken van de kabouter door Rien Poortvliet
0.925 4 A Gathering of Old Men door Ernest J. Gaines
0.922 4.02 Roll, Jordan, Roll: The World the Slaves Made door Eugene D. Genovese
0.922 4.04 Traveling Mercies: Some Thoughts on Faith door Anne Lamott
0.92 3.84 De reuzen door David Larkin
0.917 3.85 Ragtime: A Novel door E. L. Doctorow
0.908 3.3 In the Belly of the Beast: Letters From Prison door Jack Henry Abbott
0.907 3.72 The Dobe !Kung door Richard B. Lee
0.906 3.98 A Patch of Blue door Elizabeth Kata
0.905 3.96 Ellington Was Not a Street door Ntozake Shange
0.905 4.04 Quiet Strength: The Principles, Practices, & Priorities of a Winning Life door Tony Dungy
0.905 3.93 Jurassic Park door Michael Crichton
0.9 3.96 Fiction 100: An anthology of short stories door James H. Pickering
0.9 4.05 for colored girls who have considered suicide when the rainbow is enuf door Ntozake Shange
0.899 3.7 Sapphira and the Slave Girl door Willa Cather
0.898 3.94 Tally's Corner door Elliot Liebow
0.892 3.88 Verkondig het op de bergen door James Baldwin
0.891 3.95 Uit slavernij in vrijheid door Booker T. Washington
0.89 3.61 Annie John door Jamaica Kincaid
0.89 3.77 Lies and the Lying Liars Who Tell Them : A Fair and Balanced Look at the Right door Al Franken
0.889 3.49 In His Own Write + A Spaniard in the Works door John Lennon
0.887 3.83 Amos Fortune, Free Man door Elizabeth Yates
0.887 4.11 American Slavery, American Freedom: The Ordeal of Colonial Virginia door Edmund S. Morgan
0.886 3.88 How to Be Black door Baratunde Thurston
0.883 4.12 Bearing the Cross: Martin Luther King, Jr., and the Southern Christian Leadership Conference door David J. Garrow
0.88 3.89 Free Soil, Free Labor, Free Men: The Ideology of the Republican Party before the Civil War door Eric Foner
0.879 4.11 Lift Every Voice and Sing door James Weldon Johnson
0.879 3.69 Dear Senator door Essie Mae Washington-Williams
0.878 3.86 Room Full of Mirrors: A Biography of Jimi Hendrix door Charles R. Cross
0.877 3.99 Race Matters door Cornel West
0.876 3.9 Flossie and the Fox door Patricia C. Mckissack
0.874 3.83 The slave ship. A human history door Marcus Rediker
0.87 3.34 Cosbyology: Essays and Observations from the Doctor of Comedy door Bill Cosby
0.869 3.8 Not Without Laughter door Langston Hughes
0.866 3.72 Evangeline: A Tale of Acadie door Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
0.858 4.3 The Legend of Zelda: Hyrule Historia door Patrick Thorpe
0.857 3.83 Het hart van een vrouw door Maya Angelou
0.856 3.95 Muhammad Ali: His Life and Times door Thomas Hauser
0.854 4.02 Ver van huis herinneringen van een kindsoldaat door Ishmael Beah
0.854 4.11 The Patchwork Quilt door Valerie Flournoy
0.854 3.94 Life on the Color Line: The True Story of a White Boy Who Discovered He Was Black door Gregory Howard Williams
0.851 3.84 The House at Sugar Beach: In Search of a Lost African Childhood door Helene Cooper
0.85 3.51 Dr. Fischer van Genève, of Het knalfeest door Graham Greene
0.85 4.17 Giovanni's kamer door James Baldwin
0.848 3.94 Meet Addy: An American Girl door Connie Porter
0.846 3.99 Zwart als ik: persoonlijke ervaringen van een zwarte blanke door John Howard Griffin
0.845 3.97 Days of Grace door Arthur Ashe
0.844 4.09 Reveille in Washington, 1860-1865 door Margaret Leech
0.843 4.21 Rosa door Nikki Giovanni
0.843 3.99 Sally Hemings door Barbara Chase-Riboud
0.838 4.12 Manchild in the Promised Land door Claude Brown
0.837 4.36 De pijn van vrijheid door Immaculee Ilibagiza
0.836 4.03 The Spook Who Sat By the Door door Sam Greenlee
0.834 4.08 Any Way the Wind Blows door E. Lynn Harris
0.833 3.76 Voodoo in Haiti door Alfred Métraux
0.831 4.14 There Are No Children Here: The Story of Two Boys Growing Up in the Other America door Alex Kotlowitz
0.829 4.04 The Strange Career of Jim Crow door C. Vann Woodward
0.829 3.99 The Chaneysville Incident door David Bradley
0.829 4.34 Blue Note: The Album Cover Art door Graham Marsh
0.827 3.96 Flash for Freedom! door George MacDonald Fraser
0.826 3.92 Hidden Figures: The American Dream and the Untold Story of the Black Women Mathematicians Who Helped Win the Space Race door Margot Lee Shetterly
0.822 3.87 Dans om het bestaand door Maya Angelou
0.821 3.81 The Slave Trade: The Story of the Atlantic Slave Trade: 1440-1870 door Hugh Thomas
0.82 3.81 Zingen en swingen door Maya Angelou
0.817 4.3 opkomst en ondergang van het derde rijk door William L. Shirer
0.813 4.08 Parable of the Talents door Octavia E. Butler
0.813 3.74 God Help the Child door Toni Morrison
0.811 4.13 Can't Stop Won't Stop: A History of the Hip-Hop Generation door Jeff Chang
0.806 3.69 The Buffalo Soldier door Chris Bohjalian
0.805 4.23 In the Time of the Drums door Kim L. Siegelson
0.801 4.18 How to Be an Antiracist door Ibram X. Kendi
0.796 4.36 Strength to Love door Martin Luther King, Jr.
0.794 3.47 Black Ajax door George MacDonald Fraser
0.794 3.5 Op zilveren vleugels door Janet Dailey
0.792 4.35 Chicken Sunday door Patricia Polacco
0.789 4.24 De kabouterkinderen een prentenboek door Elsa Beskow
0.789 3.61 Bush on the Couch: Inside the Mind of the President door Justin A. Frank
0.785 4.13 De SS-staat het systeem van de Duitse concentratiekampen door Eugen Kogon
0.785 4.18 The Scramble for Africa: 1876–1912 door Thomas Pakenham
0.784 3.65 How to Shit in the Woods door Kathleen Meyer
0.78 4.27 Bijna binnen handbereik door James Baldwin
0.776 4.32 De elfen door Brian Froud
0.775 4.22 A Right to Be Hostile: The Boondocks Treasury door Aaron McGruder
0.773 4.06 A Picture of Freedom: The Diary of Clotee, a Slave Girl, Belmont Plantation, Virginia, 1859 door Patricia C. Mckissack
0.766 3.96 Childhood Is Hell door Matt Groenig
0.762 4.52 Black Reconstruction in America, 1860-1880 door W. E. B. Du Bois
0.756 4.12 The People Could Fly: American Black Folktales door Virginia Hamilton
0.756 4 Virgie Goes to School with Us Boys door Elizabeth Fitzgerald Howard
0.754 4.22 12 jaar slaaf door Solomon Northup
0.753 4.19 The Secret of Two-Edge door Wendy Pini
0.753 4.1 The Mighty Miss Malone door Christopher Paul Curtis
0.751 4.03 Only Passing Through: The Story of Sojourner Truth door Anne Rockwell
0.748 4.18 Sister Citizen: Shame, Stereotypes, and Black Women in America door Melissa V. Harris-Perry
0.748 3.78 The Confederate War door Gary W. Gallagher
0.744 3.71 At Her Majesty's Request: An African Princess In Victorian England door Walter Dean Myers
0.743 3.95 To Sir, With Love door E. R. Braithwaite
0.742 4.13 Jambalaya: The Natural Woman's Book of Personal Charms and Practical Rituals door Luisah Teish
0.733 4.48 Humans of New York door Brandon Stanton
0.73 4.3 Hellhound on His Trail: The Stalking of Martin Luther King, Jr., and the International Hunt for His Assassin door Hampton Sides
0.727 4.23 Soul by Soul: Life Inside the Antebellum Slave Market door Walter Johnson
0.722 4.05 Once They Moved Like The Wind : Cochise, Geronimo, And The Apache Wars door David Roberts
0.721 3.96 My American Journey door Colin L. Powell
0.72 4.14 Public Enemy #2: An All-New Boondocks Collection door Aaron McGruder
0.713 4.48 The Hate U Give door Angie Thomas
0.705 4.05 How a Seed Grows (Let's-Read-and-Find-Out Science 1) door Helene J. Jordan
0.703 4.05 Race: How Blacks and Whites Think and Feel about the American Obsession door Studs Terkel
0.702 4.16 The Promised Land: The Great Black Migration and How It Changed America door Nicholas Lemann
0.701 3.9 A Picture Book of George Washington Carver door David A. Adler
0.7 4.5 Without Sanctuary: Lynching Photography in America door James Allen
0.7 4.47 Martin's Big Words: The Life of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. door Doreen Rappaport
0.688 3.91 Mijn jeugd in New Orleans door Louis Armstrong
0.684 4.34 The Race Beat: The Press, the Civil Rights Struggle, and the Awakening of a Nation door Gene Roberts
0.683 4.36 Dear Justyce door Nic Stone
0.678 4.37 He's Got the Whole World in His Hands door Kadir Nelson
0.676 4.02 Furious Cool: Richard Pryor and the World That Made Him door David Henry
0.673 4.41 The New Jim Crow: Mass Incarceration in the Age of Colorblindness door Michelle Alexander
0.665 3.5 The History of Mary Prince door Mary Prince
0.653 4.47 March: Book One door John Lewis
0.627 4.55 Simple Justice door Richard Kluger
0.624 3.67 Atlas of the North American Indian door Carl Waldman
0.615 4.46 Moses: When Harriet Tubman Led Her People to Freedom door Carole Boston Weatherford
0.614 4.21 Eyes on the Prize: America's Civil Rights Years, 1954-1965 door Juan Williams
0.605 4.35 Views door Roger Dean