Boekenreeksen voor SeaEra

Reeksen waartoe boeken in SeaEra's bibliotheek behoren

Samenvatting: 364 reeksen


Abby Sinclair

Accidental Demon Slayer

Accidental Witch Trilogy

Accidentally Paranormal

Accidentally Yours

The Accidentals [Dakota Cassidy]

Addison Holmes Mysteries

Adventures of a Demon-Hunting Soccer Mom

Adventures of Owl

Aisling Grey, Guardian

Alaskan Royal Family

Alaskan Vampires

Alex Craft

All Souls

Alliance Vampires

Alpha Marked

Amanda Feral

Ancient Legends

Anita Blake, Vampire Hunter


Anya Kalinczyk

The Aphrodite Series

Arcadia Bell

Argeneau Vampires

As You Wish

Atlantis {Showalter}


Bad Kitty

Barnaby and Hooker


Bewitched, Bothered, and BeVampyred

A Bewitching Mystery

Bigler, North Carolina

Bishop and the Pixies

Bite Back

Black Wings

Blackbird Sisters

Blackmoore Sisters Mysteries

Blazing Bedtime Stories

Blood Chord

Blood Coven

Bloodhound Files

Bloodsucking Fiends


Body Movers


Broken Heart Holidays

Broken Heart Vampires

Bronwyn the Witch

Brotherhood of Blood [Smith]

Bryn and Sinjin

Bubbles Yablonsky Series

By Moonlight

Cafferty & Quinn

Cal Leandros

Calliope Reaper-Jones

Caruthers Sisters

Casa Dracula

The Case Files of Dr. Matilda Schmidt, Paranormal Psychologist

Cassandra Palmer Universe


Charley Davidson

A Charmed Pie Shoppe Mystery

Chicagoland Vampires

Chocolate Lovers

Chrissy McMullen

Cindy Eller

Circus of the Darned

A Clairvoyant's Complicated Life

Colby Blanchard

Coven Trilogy

A Crime of Fashion Mystery

The Curse Workers

Custard Protocol

Dante Valentine

Dark Ones

Dark Side

Dark Swan


Dark-Hunter Universe

Darkwing Chronicles

Davis Way

Dead Is

Dead-End Dating

Deadly Curiosities

Deadwood Mystery

Demon Hunting

Demon Princess

Demon Romance


Diary of a Wimpy Vampire


Dirk and Steele

Dragon Falls

Dragon Kin: Chronological Order

Dragon Kin: Publication Order

Dragon Septs

Dulcie O'Neil

Easy Bake Coven

The Edge

An Elliott Lisbon Mystery

Elsie Hawkins

Enchanted, Inc.

Esther Diamond


Eva Prim

F***ed-Up Fairytale

F.R.E.A.K.S. Squad Investigation

Fairy Tale - Baker

Fast Track

Files of the BSI

Finishing School

A Finley Anderson Tanner Mystery


Flavia de Luce

Flirting with Fangs

A Fortune Teller Mystery

Fred the Mermaid

From Russia…

Full Series

Garnet Lacey

The Gathering

Georgina Kincaid

A Ghost Dusters Mystery

A Ghost Hunter Mystery

Ghost Seer

Ghost-in-Law Mystery Romance


The Giver

Glory St. Clair Series

Goddess Girls

Goddess Summoning

Goldie Locke and the Were Bears

Good Ghouls


The Grateful Undead

Grim Reality

Grim Reaper (Death Merchant Chronicles)

Grimm Agency

Grimnoir Chronicles

Half-Moon Hollow

Half-Moon Hollow Series

Halflife Chronicles

Halle Pumas

The Halloween LaVeau Series

Hannah Swensen

Harper Connelly

Harry Potter

A Haunted Home Renovation Mystery

Haunted Renovation Mystery

Headlines in Heels Mystery

Heart of a Witch

Her Royal Spyness

Hex Series

Hex {Wisdom}

A High Heels Mystery

The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy

The Hollows

Hot Damned

How 10 Days

Illusions {Bach}

The Immortal Empire

Immortality Bites

Immortally Sexy


Imp & Imp World Reading Order



Iron Druid Chronicles

An Izzy Cooper Novel

Jacqueline "Jack" Daniels

Jade Calhoun Series

Jaine Austen

Jane Jameson

Jane Madison

Jane True

Jaz Parks

Jolie Wilkins


Karma Marx

Karmic Consultants [Andrews]

Kat, Incorrigible

Kate Daniels

Kate Holly

Kate Saxee Mystery

Kate Storm

Keeper's Chronicles

Kelly Driscoll

Kinsey Millhone

Kismet Knight, Ph.D., Vampire Psychologist

Kitty Norville

Knight Games

The Land of Elatyria

Larue Donavan

Light Dragons

Lily Harper

Literal Leigh Romance Diaries

Little Women

Living in Eden