Boekenreeksen voor emmybee

Reeksen waartoe boeken in emmybee's bibliotheek behoren

Samenvatting: 35 reeksen


Aaron Falk

Arthur Less

Boy in the Striped Pajamas

The Cemetery of Forgotten Books

Don't Sweat the Small Stuff

Eilis Lacey

Ernest Cunningham

Every Day Is Mother's Day

Fifty Shades

Goon Squad

The Handmaid's Tale

Heaven Books


Homer's Epic Cycle

A Key to All Mythologies

Last Hours

Like Water For Chocolate

Lucy Barton

Martin Scarsden

My Struggle

Neapolitan Novels

No F*cks Given Guides

Old Filth

Olive Kitteridge

The One Hundred Year Old Man

OUP Stories

Outline Trilogy

Pietro Paladini

Richard Hannay

The Rosie Trilogy (Graeme Simsion)



Usborne Illustrated Stories

Wolf Hall Trilogy