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Christopher M. Andrew(2) Marquis of F.S.A Angesey(8) Anonymous(1) Anne Applebaum(1) Timothy Garton Ash(1) Correlli Barnett(2) Nicholas A. Basbanes(1) Antony Beevor(2) (1) Hugh Bicheno(1) Gottlob Herbert Bidermann(1) Crispin Black(1) L. V. Stewart Blacker(1) Alex Bowlby(1) David Brewer(1) Angus Calder(1) Field Marshal Lord Carver(1) David G. Chandler(1) F. Spencer Chapman(1) Winston S. Churchill(6) David Cobb(1) John Colville(1) John Colvin(1) E. H. Cookridge(1) Countess of Ranfurly(1) Norman Davies(2) Mike Davis(1) Professor David Dilks(2) Stuart Tootal DSO(1) Duke of Wellington(1) Annette and Jud Newborn Dumbach(1) edited volume(3) Ian Gardiner(1) Martin Gilbert(1) Alexander with Leighton Bowen Glen(1) Gerald Gliddon(1) Felix Greene(1) Barry Gregory(1) Sir John Winthrop Hackett(1) Sir Ian Hamilton(1) Donald Hankey(2) Duff Hart-Davis(3) Max Hastings(3) Patrick Hennessy(1) F. H. Hinsley(1) Thaddeus Holt(1) Peter Hopkirk(1) Alistair Horne(1) Alistair and David Montgomery Horne(1) Michael Howard(1) Andre and Ewen Southby-Tailyour Hue(1) David Irving(1) Mike Jackson(1) Tim Jones(1) John Kampfner(1) John Keegan(3) Rudyard Kipling(1) Gunter K Koschorrek(1) Richard Lamb(1) Primo Levi(1) John Lewis-Stempel(1) David Loyn(1) A. G. Macdonell(1) W. J. M. Mackenzie(1) Edward Marriott(1) John Masefield(2) Carol Mather MC(1) Paul McCue(1) China Miéville(1) Russell Miller(1) Czesław Miłosz(1) Ministry of Information(1) Alan Moorehead(1) Gavin Mortimer(1) Brian Moynahan(1) L. C. Moyzisch(1) Greg Muttitt(1) Alan Ogden(1) Sebastian O'Kelly(1) Lewis Page(1) Peter Parker(1) Friedrich Peck-Malleczwen(1) Oreste Pinto(1) George Psychoundakis(1) Bryan Ray(1) Frank Richards(2) Thomas E. Ricks(1) Sir Michael Rose Rose(1) William Russell(1) Cornelius Ryan(1) Siegfried Sassoon(1) Leopold Schwarzschild(1) W. G. Sebald(1) William L. Shirer(1) Brendan Simms(1) John Simpson(1) William Slim(1) Hew Strachan(1) Frederick Taylor(1) Julian Thompson(1) Nikolai Tolstoy(1) Mark Urban(3) Andrew Vachss(2) Lyall Wilkes(1) (1)