Fantasy Novel

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Fantasy Novel

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okt 17, 2010, 7:13 pm

I had good luck searching for a book on here a little while back.
So let me try again.

The book starts out with a guy traveling down a road on his way to meet his fiance at the families household for the wedding. They had metr through a cousin in the city, and they spent the night talking to each other on a fire escape.

She is elvish or fairy folk.
It talkede about him meeting her family with all these woodland elves and sprites that live in this rural community.

The wedding is held on a little island where they crossed in an old boat or something.
There was a big party and then the groom and bride left.

There was also something about an uncle that lives under a tree stump or something and he tells them stories abouty the families past.

That's about all I can remember.

Can anyone help?

It's been a few years and I would like to read this again.
Thank you.

okt 17, 2010, 7:57 pm

Sounds almost like Little, Big by John Crowley.

okt 17, 2010, 10:42 pm

I second that. Definitely Little, Big.

okt 18, 2010, 11:07 am

Thank you!!
I'm sure that is probably it!!

okt 18, 2010, 8:30 pm

This made me think of Nina Kiriki Hoffman's The Thread That Binds the Bones. Little, Big is probably what you're looking for (I need to reread it--can't remember details), but if you like Crowley you should try Hoffman, especially her older stuff.

okt 18, 2010, 11:12 pm

I love Hoffman's books, but I could never get far in Crowley's Little Big.