Praise Jerusalem by Augusta Trobaugh (March 2011 batch)

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Praise Jerusalem by Augusta Trobaugh (March 2011 batch)

Dit onderwerp is gemarkeerd als "slapend"—het laatste bericht is van meer dan 90 dagen geleden. Je kan het activeren door een een bericht toe te voegen.

jul 12, 2011, 12:33 pm

This is the story of three women from very different backgrounds, Miss Amelia was a well to do white woman who is down on her luck after her husband dies, Maybelline who has had some bad luck with men but Praises Jesus and sings hymns and decides that Jesus has told her to take care of Miss Amelia much to Miss Amelia’s chagrin, the two eventually meet Mamie or as she prefers to be called Mrs. Johnson a young black woman who helps the ladies out then decides to go with them on their journey to Jerusalem (Georgia) to get away from her abusive man. These three woman set off on a journey of self-discovery and new beginnings.

While on their journey Miss Amelia has all these memories of when she was a child being taken care of by Aunt Valley a black maid. These memories become very real to Miss Amelia like she is reliving them. So this book goes back and forth in time from when Miss Amelia was a little girl to the present time with her new companions.

Maybelline is quite a character and it’s cute the way Miss Amelia gets so frustrated with her, Miss Johnson’s character I didn’t feel was fully fleshed out and I think could have been much more.

This was a good book if a bit slow for me; I would consider it Christian/Southern fiction. Southern fiction I love, Christian fiction not so much.

I received this book from Librarything Early Reviewer program.
3 ½ Stars