Html for strikethrough text work on LT ?

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Html for strikethrough text work on LT ?

jan 27, 2012, 2:44 pm

I tried to use some html to make strike through text for editing a post but it did not work:

(del) scratched (/del) Was the example I tried to follow, substituting ( ) for those funny sideways v arrows. Any way to use that in a post?

jan 27, 2012, 2:49 pm

What like this

Use the html tag strike

jan 27, 2012, 4:59 pm

OK I will give it a try My time costs $95 , special today, $65 per hour! Took a couple of tries to get it, thanks!

jan 27, 2012, 5:04 pm


jan 27, 2012, 6:05 pm

I did read a part of the manual actually, and read that {s} should work but does not, {strike} does work but it and {s} have been supplanted by {del} in higher html codes. Unless there is an LT HTML coder I am too lazy to look up. !

jan 27, 2012, 6:08 pm

This thread is your friend:

jan 27, 2012, 6:23 pm

Sorry "DugsBooks",

I didn't intend to sound snarkey,
It's just that I have always wanted to post RTFM

With the F := "F*ck*ng" :-)

Bewerkt: jan 27, 2012, 10:03 pm

NP guido, I muttered RTFM to myself a little to loudly the other day and was overheard ..heh

Good link Bright, thanks

Bewerkt: apr 3, 10:09 am

Hi, I was wondering if the book 'title' field here on LT can have strikethough in one of the words of the title, as depicted on the book itself? TIA for any thoughts.

I did try it here in the groups and it works. book title, but doesn't work in the title field, unless it's an updating time-frame thing.

apr 3, 10:37 am

>9 NotSunkYet:

No, html has been turned off for most fields in your catalogue (except for reviews).

apr 3, 10:43 am

>9 NotSunkYet:

Some fields allow HTML; some don't. It never occurred to me to try that one, but I'm guessing it's a don't. :-)

If you have access to a unicode entry form, you can do things like that with "combining diacriticals." Like this: ͞o͞v͞e͞r͞b͞a͞r ̵S̵t̵r̵i̵k̵e̵ and other o̤d̤d̤ s͇t͇u͇f͇f. But you have to do it letter by letter, and it's a pain, and it may get removed. :-( You should certainly only do it on your own copy.

Bewerkt: apr 5, 3:49 pm

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