ccookie's Cross Country Trek

DiscussieCanadian Fiction/Non-Fiction Reading Challenge

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ccookie's Cross Country Trek

Dit onderwerp is gemarkeerd als "slapend"—het laatste bericht is van meer dan 90 dagen geleden. Je kan het activeren door een een bericht toe te voegen.

Bewerkt: apr 24, 2014, 3:02 pm


British Columbia

Cape Breton
Marion Bridge - Daniel McIvor (currently reading)


The Stone Angel - Margaret Laurence (May 2012)

New Brunswick

February - Lisa Moore ( Feb 2012)
Come, Thou Tortoise - Jessica Grant (March 2012)

Northwest Territories

Nova Scotia


Consolation - Toronto- Michael Redhill (2008)
Elephant Winter - Southern Ontario - Kim Echlin (Feb 2013)
Motion Sickness: A Memoir by David Layton

Prince Edward Island
Anne of Green Gables - Lucy Maud Montgomery (teens)



Yukon Territory

Bewerkt: sep 16, 2012, 9:47 am

The Stone Angel by Margaret Laurence

First line:
~ Above the town, on the hill brow, the stone angel used to stand ~

I read this book after my 25 year old son shared with me his reactions to it. I figured anything that touched him in that way was worth reading. He did not lead me astray.

I am a nurse and for many years worked with seniors and their families and am quite familiar with the emotional stress of caregiving and the issues around end of life decisions for medical care and placement in a care facility. And, 5 years ago, my mother died at age 83 after several years of deteriorating health. Reading the life and death of Hagar Shipley brought back many memories. My mother was considerably more likeable than Hagar but they both had a practicality, a stubbornness, a determination that enabled them to live a hard life and survive many difficulties.

I was engaged with Hagar right from the beginning and found the writing to be realistic and beautiful. This woman reflects on her life from childhood, marriage, raising children, the death of one son, her challenging relationship with her remaining son and daughter-in-law and her basically unhappy life. I am impressed with Margaret Laurence's capacity to write realistic dialogue and to get inside the head of a much older woman.

When Hagar takes herself away from the home she shares with her son and daughter-in-law and 'runs away' I want her to succeed, oh my, I want her to succeed but I could see that the story was moving to its inevitable conclusion. Even so, I was surprised.

A wonderful read. I look forward to reading more of Margaret Laurence's works. (4 stars)

mei 28, 2012, 3:57 pm

If Canadian crime is what you like check out this site maintained by Crime Writers of Canada.

feb 22, 2013, 2:18 pm

I just read Elephant Winter by Kim Echlin which takes place in small town Southern Ontario.
I loved this book.
My review is here:

feb 27, 2013, 8:34 pm

One year my book club did a coast to coast and it was wonderful. Each member got a province/territory, selected then researched and it was a great way to stretch our reading about different areas of Canada. I was "Newfoundland" so I selected Death on the Ice the great Newfoundland sealing disaster of 1914. It was an amazing story, well told.