A descendant of Jeeves?

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A descendant of Jeeves?

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apr 30, 2012, 5:43 pm

In my novel, Dreams of Gold, I have a character, Perkins, who is modelled on Jeeves. Here is an extract to give you an idea:

"I say, Perkins, Are you sure this is right?"
"Quite certain sir....it's not far now, if I'm not mistaken."
For some reason the remark irritated Barnaby.
"Confound it Perkins. You are never mistaken. That is one of your most obnoxious habits. To err is human, Perkins. If you don't err, Perkins, what are you? Do you get my drift?"
"I do sir. I shall endeavour to err."
"Good." Barnaby sat back contentedly with a sense of a job done; a job that needed doing. Taking Perkins down a peg was necessary from time to time."
"However, there may be a problem," Perkins sounded troubled.
"What problem are we talking about now?"
"The question of erring." There was a thoughtful pause as he packed the thought in suitable language. "If I succeed in erring have I really erred?"
"Not now, Perkins!" Really the man could be intolerable sometimes.
(extract from Dreams of Gold by Jonathan Chamberlain)

Have I succeeded, do you think, in bringing Jeeves back to life?