Chat about... Fool's War by Sarah Zettel

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Chat about... Fool's War by Sarah Zettel

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jun 5, 2012, 11:04 pm

Did you love Fool's War by Sarah Zettel ? Hated it? Seen an interesting article about the book? Felt the book was a victim to superfluous commas? Loved the book, hated the cover?

Discuss it all here! Spoilers abound, enter at your own risk...

jun 6, 2012, 11:05 am

First, wow, a female-written science fiction novel which is not part of a series and is even available as a DRM-free ebook. These actually exist?

But I also really liked the book finding - it unput-downable, which is always a good sign. I'd love also to have more in that universe. The idea of the Fool's Guild, accepting for the moment the cover story, is itself an interesting one. It's not really something that is really though about much - in all these small ships flying through space for months, how are people supposed to stay sane?

I appreciated the fact that one of the main characters is Islamic, yet it is an integral part of her - it doesn't feel like something bolted on. Equally the fact that she is Islamic is not a huge plot point.

It is much easier to shred stuff I don't like...

mrt 30, 2013, 1:31 pm

I really enjoyed this book too. It was well written, and I too though the cover story of the Fool's Guild was very plausible. And I was genuinely surprised at the reveal - but the actual secret of AIs was plausible too.

I too enjoyed that Katmer and her family's faith was integrated into the plot, rather than added on like sprinkles on a bun.

I liked the idea of an actual Libertarian colony... and that it'd be awful :-D

A cruel part of me enjoyed the "fridge-ing" of Katmer's husband. Hah, take that! See, not so fun to be bumped off to give the main character motivation, is it? :-D

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