Translationpage translates also scentences without approval, besides the filled in translations

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Translationpage translates also scentences without approval, besides the filled in translations

Dit onderwerp is gemarkeerd als "slapend"—het laatste bericht is van meer dan 90 dagen geleden. Je kan het activeren door een een bericht toe te voegen.

jun 24, 2012, 10:57 am

I translated 4 items on the without approving the following scentences:
guurtjesboekenkast vertaalde Die besten Sto…Frederik Pohl as Die besten Sto…Frederik Pohl (bewerk)
guurtjesboekenkast vertaalde Bundeszentrale…tische Bildung as Bundeszentrale…tische Bildung (bewerk)
guurtjesboekenkast vertaalde Djetinjstvo 19…i drugi zapisi as Djetinjstvo 19…i drugi zapisi (bewerk).
(Why would I f.e. leave Croation text into the same text for the Dutch language?)

Those 3 scentences are now moved to If you want to edit these you cant see the source anymore.

On you can also see that member sneuper has translated English text as the same English text into the Dutch language. This happened on Jun 17, 2012.

jun 26, 2012, 3:36 pm

"On you can also see that member sneuper has translated English text as the same English text into the Dutch language. This happened on Jun 17, 2012. "

I've seen these entries for years. This seems to happen sometimes when you translate something else and then save your work. Other stuff gets marked as changed, although nothing was actually changed. I am not sure, but it may be that if you click on the history of an item that is already considered a change and triggers an entry in "translated texts".