Fantasy/Post-post apocalyptic sci-fi, Boy raised on ranch, sheep(?) wool used to make best armor, sh

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Fantasy/Post-post apocalyptic sci-fi, Boy raised on ranch, sheep(?) wool used to make best armor, sh

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nov 6, 2012, 10:08 pm

I've been trying to remember this book (series?) ... Beyond the Subject posted, I remember the main character ending up joining his country's army (small country, compared to surrounding territories) ... at one point in time, he was abducted by another country, had a control collar put on him ... he was able to break it and made his way, eventually, back home. I believe it was after this that he ended up in command of a garrison for his home country. Other tidbits I remember are as follow:
Old road system, built by ancient civilization (no longer around) that hasn't worn down due to the nature of its construction.
There was a giant cliff within sight of his farm.
There were temples that were built on key areas (ley line crossings?) that allowed for certain people (like the farmer boy, who had a gift of some sort) to "teleport" between them ... some of them built in another plane of existance, where the main "bad guys" come from.
These "bad guys" are in hiding, appearing to be human, and have worked to be in positions of power in the various nations.
There are "spirits of nature" who were an old race that are mostly powerless now (and very few), but end up teaching the farm boy various uses of his gifts in a hidden tower.

I've been searching online, but cannot remember anything of true (searchable) substance to get me a lead.
Any help would be appreciated.

nov 7, 2012, 3:45 am

This is a trilogy by L.E.Modesitt. The books are
They are the first three books of his Corean Chronicles.

nov 7, 2012, 8:09 am

nov 7, 2012, 8:25 am

Yes!! Thank you so much! :D