Justicemoney's First-time IJ Read

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Justicemoney's First-time IJ Read

Dit onderwerp is gemarkeerd als "slapend"—het laatste bericht is van meer dan 90 dagen geleden. Je kan het activeren door een een bericht toe te voegen.

Bewerkt: jan 20, 2013, 11:59 am

Well, I have started. I am currently reading IJ on the Kindle app on my new iPad. I am 5% in (I have a conversion for the pages somewhere). I think this is how DFW would have loved for the novel to be read. In addition to looking up every unknown word in the Kindle dictionary (New Oxford American), I am able to look up phrases or names on wikipedia or google. I am by nature a careful reader, so the detours will surely slow me down, but the benefit to my understanding is well worth it. I am highlighting and making notes as well. Needless to say I am enjoying it so far. Once I get a little further, I will try to post something more substantive.

**Currently at Page 169/1079 (15%)**

jan 6, 2013, 11:50 am

I envy those applications you've got. I think there's at least one other reader here using a Kindle (is that you, beelzebubba?) What probably takes seconds for you is a matter of grabbing the right book, finding the right link ... I may enter the 21st century just yet w/a kindle.

Looking forward to your commentary!

jan 7, 2013, 10:11 pm

IJ Joke of the day:


'Bless you.'

Bewerkt: jan 9, 2013, 1:31 pm

Stopping by because your thread is tagged "first time read," which is what it is for me, also.

I'm reading it on the Kindle. I agree that it makes some things simpler. About the only thing I don't like is that there's no 'back' for the footnotes like some books provide. I have to drop a bookmark at the place I'm at, traverse the link to the footnote, then jump back to the bookmark and clear it. Other than that, it's convenient and lightweight.

jan 9, 2013, 6:15 pm

Lightweight indeed. There should be some kind of tribal faction for people who've read IJ in its pure ;-) book form.

jan 10, 2013, 9:23 pm

Easily identified by their stooped posture

Bewerkt: jan 12, 2013, 5:30 pm

my kindle version has a hypertext "back to text" at the end of the FN, at least on the iPad app. The one gripe I have about the iPad app is that the FN are harder to click on than on the kindle.

I decided to put my progress in my initial comment to allow anyone to avoid spoilers.

jan 13, 2013, 10:48 am

JM, I'm a first-timer too, so I'm jumping on this thread like a scared little homeless puppy. I'm 1/6th through and up to date with a pile of reviews, guides and sundry references and footnotes.

Tennis players? Hell no, right now I feel like this has been more like the efforts of an offensive lineman.

jan 14, 2013, 12:01 pm

I'm reading on a kindle fire and hitting the back arrow after reading a footnote dumps me back where I was in the text. And I like having the dictionary there at a touch, even if DFW often confounds it.

Bewerkt: jan 17, 2013, 8:06 pm

Having the google search is good for those hard to find DFW neologisms.

Another DFW joke of the day: "urine trouble? urine luck!"