Bertie Wooster's Perfect Martini?

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Bertie Wooster's Perfect Martini?

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jan 19, 2013, 10:46 pm

A few of the Jeeves & Wooster stories relate to Jeeve's perfect martini. One of the Wodehouse societies or clubs posted Jeeve's concoction a few years ago. No mention in the books of the exact ingredients I can find. Any ideas?

jan 21, 2013, 8:50 am

I don't think Wodehouse ever went in for Ian-Fleming-like technical precision. All the reader needed to know was that Bertie was convinced that Jeeves was infallible as a mixer of cocktails and hangover remedies. Wodehouse usually tried to avoid giving the reader too much information, on the grounds that it would either date the story or lead the reader into technical quibbling.

Anyway, given that Bertie is the narrator, Wodehouse would only have been able to tell us the recipe (a) if Bertie had thought to ask and Jeeves had thought it appropriate to tell him (it might have been a secret passed down from valet to valet in the Junior Ganymede Club) and (b) if Bertie had managed to remember it long enough to write it down.

jan 21, 2013, 7:37 pm

Thanks for a very thoughtful reply. The recipe which I saw for this fruitful intoxication was noticed several years ago on one of the Wodehouse society sites with references from the Jeeves & Wooster stories. I tried contacting a few of the societies in the past but without any luck. Maybe it was a mixture of the information provided in several stories to provide a result which was worth posting on one of their sites? Well that sounds like a solution? Thanks again.