70s-80s?, fantasy, post-apocalyptic, journey, YA?, trilogy

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70s-80s?, fantasy, post-apocalyptic, journey, YA?, trilogy

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aug 17, 2013, 3:36 pm

This is from my husband...

There is a trilogy that I started reading in the late 70’s or early 80’s (so it is at least that old) that I really enjoyed but I cannot remember the title or author. I will try to describe the events that I can remember although it has been a long time so my memories may not be perfect.
It was a fantasy novel that started with a tournament that was essentially a mock combat four againt four, all mounted on horses. Possibly a mounted version of capture the flag.
Despite the seemingly medeval setting, it became increasingly clear that it was a post-apocolyptic story as there were remnants of our society such as asphalt roads, a few people who knew something about electricity, and a city with cannons.
The main character leaves his home town for reasons I don’t remember. I do remember that he muses that the vehicles that needed asphalt roads must have been pretty useless compared to horses. All I really remember of his journey is that he at one point encounters the city with cannons, and that he ends up living with an old man who knows the secrets of metalurgy from our time. At the end of the second book he and the old man have just finished forging a sword of galvanized steel that is stronger than anything forged by traditional blacksmith techniques.
The only other event I remember is that someone is assassinated by being electricuted in their bathtub. Since most people don’t know about electricity, it is quite a mystery.

aug 18, 2013, 2:51 am

Maybe 'The Sword Of The Spirits' trilogy by John Christopher? Technology is kept as a religius 'secret'.
"Prince in Waiting
1. The Prince in Waiting (1970)
2. Beyond the Burning Lands (1971)
3. The Sword of the Spirits (1972)
The Prince in Waiting Trilogy (omnibus) (1983)

aug 18, 2013, 4:49 pm

Maybe? Maybe not? May read this one anyway and see, it looks interesting. (If we can find it!)

aug 25, 2013, 4:12 pm

Ordered it, read book one, and this is what we were looking for. Thanks! You're really good!

dec 5, 2013, 8:52 pm

touchstone : The Prince in Waiting by John Christopher

dec 6, 2013, 3:45 am

You're welcome.