Under the Dome tv-series

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Under the Dome tv-series

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sep 8, 2013, 5:11 am

Here in the Netherlands the first episode of the tv-series Under the Dome was broadcast. I thought it was quite good.

Has anyone else seen the series? What did you think of it?

sep 8, 2013, 8:00 am

We're a couple of episodes ahead of you here in the UK.

First episode spent more time laying out the various characters and story-lines than anything so there wasn't as much drama/tension as there could have been, but apart from that it was pretty good - it had some really dramatic individual scenes.

I'm up to episode three and while it's still holding my interest, so far it's a little bit soap-opera.

I haven't yet read the book, so I can't compare the two.

sep 8, 2013, 1:10 pm

I enjoyed the book and am now enjoying the series. We're maybe 8 or so episodes in in Canada. People have criticized the network for changing the story so much, but King defended them. Different formats call for different stories.

sep 8, 2013, 2:46 pm

Indeed, you only have to look at Game Of Thrones for justification of that (although even there the TV series has its critics for the differences from the books.)

sep 8, 2013, 5:42 pm

I've been watching it on Amazon Instant Streaming so I think I'm caught up with the latest US episode. Like many King adaptations, it can be a bit cheesy but it's still fun. I was quite surprised at how far it has veered from the book's storyline, but it's nice because the TV series still holds surprises.

aug 3, 2014, 8:31 am

I read the book and loved it. After the first two episodes, when I questioned whether what I was watching was actually Under the Dome or something else, I re-read it. I find the TV series ridiculous because I loved the book so much.

It's like a train wreck - you watch because you know it's going to be horrible. Definitely cheesy. Howlingly bad acting. Perversion of the plot. Strange characters not in the book.

We continue to watch, God help us.