The Kite Runner by Khaled Hosseini

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The Kite Runner by Khaled Hosseini

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okt 6, 2013, 11:38 pm

The "Kite Runner"starts off in Afghanistan, and takes place in a number of different places. It is the tale of the life of Amir, the main character, and how his life unfolds over the course of events that occur in his life. Throughout his life, he learns the true meaning of family and friendship, betrayal and salvation. A major theme in this book is personal redemption. Amir made a lot of bad choices during his childhood, hurting those who meant the most to him, including his dad and his best friend/servant he had during that time, Hassan. As regret remained in his heart over the mistakes he had made as he grew up, he was able to redeem himself and make up for what he had done when he was older during his visit back home to Afghanistan. He had a good friend who stated: "There is a way to be good again", which he was able to do demonstrating personal redemption. I personally enjoyed the way the author set up the book, dividing it into three different parts of Amir's life: his childhood in Kabul, his years in California with his father, Baba, and Amir's return to Kabul. I liked the way the author tied all of the different stages of the story into one major meaning. I preferred the part where he took a journey back to his home and re-encountered many things from the past. There wasn't any part I disliked because without any of the events that occurred, the story wouldn't have turned out the way it did. It was a very enjoyable story with a very important message.

okt 6, 2013, 11:51 pm

Have you seen the DVD version?

okt 12, 2013, 8:49 pm

Hey! No I wasn't aware that there was a movie! But I definitely would like to see it.

okt 13, 2013, 10:46 pm

I am sure that you you will enjoy the movie, it is in DVD. I give 4/5 stars rating

I have not read the book, and the movie's version will be slightly different from the actual book's version due to the many dramatization in the film to make it more "exciting"
for the cinema's audience.

I recommend: "Osama', another movie on the similar subject matter. It is in foreign language, subtitled in English.

okt 19, 2013, 6:01 pm

I just read this the other day, and I have to say, I disagree completely. I did not find a single thing redeeming about it. It was horribly depressing and morose and Amir was such a terrible selfish self-centered person, I could not stand reading about him.

>4 razzamajazz: If you haven't read the book, how do you know the movie has "many dramatization" in it?

Bewerkt: okt 20, 2013, 12:51 am

It is a common knowledge a movie's version of a book will never be 100% to an actual book,most of the time as to dramatize with special effects and music background (soundtrack music),

The novel. The Kite Runner was written by the Afghan author Khaled Hosseini. It was published in 2003 and was adapted and made a movie in 2007.

I was surprised to know this novel is written in English, where the language is not the mother tongue's language of the author.

I have not really read the book completely, but have done a "skimming" reading' just to compare the movie and book versions after watching the movie.

I know a bit of the storyline.The story centered around the main character and his troublesome childhood in Kabul.Let the story fast forward. The Hazard servant's son,Hassan, is Amir's best friend.

The initial part of storyline, Amir and Hassan explore the streets of Kabul, involved with kite flying contests and threartening bullies.

Hassan faithfully runs the kites and protects him from the bullies, to win Amir's respect.

The story become more intense when Hassan is violently sodomised, and Amir betrays Hassan by not protecting him.

Lacking his father's affection, Amir plan to chase Hassan and his father out of his household worked as servants.Amir want to be noticed by his father as Hassan was much favored and loved by his father,Baba with gifts.

By doing so to forget his guilt for not protecting Hassan.

Some key elements of the story are missing usually the movie's version moved very quickly from event to event.

The abuse of Hassan was not really shown clearly in the movie due to some censorship's film ruling or not to show the obvious incident too openly to the movie's audience.

I have yet to read the novel "page by page"to understand the story more clearly.I usually skimmed the book before viewing the movie's version, and later read the book.

To see the movie first before reading the book is not a good habit. Reading the book first is better because usually you seldom want to read when the movie is "a flop".

nov 10, 2013, 5:45 pm

I have and there is no comparison. Unlike the book, the film fails to grab its audiences attention.

okt 23, 2018, 4:12 pm

I can agree that the book is better than the movie. Also, it's a shame that the movie gave the audience another attention and did not gave the same impression as the book.

apr 4, 2019, 1:46 am

I liked this book a lot. Maybe partially because I knew a guy many years ago who lived a similar "cushioned" kind of Muslim life, many years before bin Laden, and wondered what it was like. And then in this story the privileged guy owns up to being so thoughtlessly cruel in a society that allowed it, and later redeemed himself. I loved being exposed to the "different" kind of life.

okt 16, 2019, 6:09 am

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