Harry Potter and the Re/Read of The Half-Blood Prince

Discussie75 Books Challenge for 2014

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Harry Potter and the Re/Read of The Half-Blood Prince

Dit onderwerp is gemarkeerd als "slapend"—het laatste bericht is van meer dan 90 dagen geleden. Je kan het activeren door een een bericht toe te voegen.

Bewerkt: aug 13, 2014, 2:19 pm

Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince

Welcome to our group re/read of the Harry Potter series for 2014! There aren't any hard guidelines as to when you should read or what format you should use, we're just happily revisiting (or enjoying for the first time) this wonderful series of books together!

I'm hoping that we'll not only share that we ARE reading, but will celebrate the moments that we love and have a lively discussion of what makes these books mean so much to us!

That said, I would like to see some information when everyone posts, so please use this form when starting your posts:

Format: (book, ebook, audio/ US version, UK version)
Chapter: (mentioning the chapter you are currently discussing will help us keep up with each other and let new readers avoid spoilers!)


Format: Audio/UK
Chapter: 2, The Vanishing Glass

Threads for all the books:

The Sorcerer's Stone
The Chamber of Secrets
The Prisoner of Azkaban
The Goblet of Fire
The Order of the Phoenix
The Half-Blood Prince
The Deathly Hallows
The Supplemental Reading List

Otherwise, LET THE FUN BEGIN! Invite your friends!Otherwise, LET THE FUN BEGIN! Invite your friends!

jul 10, 2014, 1:55 pm

Format: Audio/UK
Chapter: 17, A Sluggish Memory

I am slowly listening to this one at night in bed but I noticed something this go round that I hadn't thought about before. In the movie for The Order of the Phoenix, Harry teaches the members of the DA to use the Levicorpus spell. I think Cho is using it against Michael Corner in one scene and drops him when Harry walks by. And then Luna uses it against a Deatheater in the Ministry.

I had, until yesterday, completely forgotten that Harry learns that spell from the Half-Blood Prince textbook. He sees his dad use it in Snape's memory in OOTP but doesn't know it himself and certainly doesn't teach it to the DA. The only spell I clearly remembered him learning from the HBP book was Sectumsempra.

This is one of the reasons I'm enjoying this reread so much, remembering all the things I had forgotten and seeing the small changes that aren't so noticeable.

aug 11, 2014, 7:54 am

Just finished this one today. One more to go.

I happened on some pictures of Matthew Lewis who played Neville in the movies. My goodness, that boy grew in to his face!