Jan. 2014's SK Flavor of the Month - American Vampire

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Jan. 2014's SK Flavor of the Month - American Vampire

Dit onderwerp is gemarkeerd als "slapend"—het laatste bericht is van meer dan 90 dagen geleden. Je kan het activeren door een een bericht toe te voegen.

jan 2, 2014, 6:40 pm

I can continue to post the monthly threads if no one minds, and thanks to PaperbackPirate for setting up the yearly thread!

jan 3, 2014, 5:59 pm

OK so I finished this yesterday and while I liked it, I'm not sure I like it enough to go on with the series.

What I liked -
the artwork is really complementary of the two story lines. Muted colors and gore-splatteringly good action scenes combined to make for a dynamic presentation. There was one character who didn't seem to have the same face twice, but most of them were immediately recognizable.

The blended storylines and how Skinner Sweet started out as the definitive bad guy, only to be supplanted by the 'old world' vampires. Pearl is clearly as much of a hero as is Book, but Skinner sort of straddles the line. He's a psychopath pure and simple and not very sympathetic, but I couldn't help but wish he got revenge on the old baddies and would leave Pearl alone.

Pearl's story is a bit more heart-wrenching, but I didn't like her secret enemy as much as her overt enemies. It sort of took the sweetness out of the story and made her seem way more victim-y than she deserved. Like the whole thing was one big set-up and she was a dupe for everyone.

What I didn't like -
What happened to Book. I thought it was extraneous and if I think the story goes where I think it does, it is just too much of a tool for the outcome in the sense that it will set up his daughter to be some sort of Van Helsing stand-in.

Disjointed in a lot of parts. The way story lines are presented and joined up. I had to go back and check things and re-read too often for a graphic novel. Things (to my mind) should flow more smoothly.

I may have more when I re-read it, but for now that's what I got.