log cabin library in northwoods of Wisconsin could use even the tiniest of mini-flash mobs

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log cabin library in northwoods of Wisconsin could use even the tiniest of mini-flash mobs

Dit onderwerp is gemarkeerd als "slapend"—het laatste bericht is van meer dan 90 dagen geleden. Je kan het activeren door een een bericht toe te voegen.

apr 24, 2014, 10:06 pm

Just in case any of you happen through Forest County, Wisconsin on your way to the Upper Penninsula of Michigan, we are an extremely small library in a rural, low income area, and could use ANY help we can get. We can't afford expensive automating software, and I barely keep this library open. It is on the National and Wisconsin Registry of Historic Places, a gem we are told, but the reality is I have no dollars for staff.
If you are EVER in the neighborhood, stop and at least say hello.

LibraryThing has been a gift from the heavens of e-bibliophiles, and I wish to publicly thank the creators of this amazing website/service.

...by the way, yes, it snowed today, but it didn't stay long. And the Canadas are returning...high-skying, angling under the North Star.
cheers from

Carol Lee Saffioti-Hughe
Wabeno Public Library
Wabeno WI