50 of the Scariest Short Stories of All Time

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50 of the Scariest Short Stories of All Time

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okt 23, 2014, 12:42 pm

In time for Halloween, a list compiled on Flavorwire: http://flavorwire.com/483530/50-of-the-scariest-short-stories-of-all-time/view-a...

Many of these stories are available to read or listen to online. Of the 50 listed, I've read 9 of them, and thought they were all either good or excellent.

Bewerkt: okt 23, 2014, 12:54 pm

Thanks for posting. I like the mix of psychological and more conventional horror, as well as the inclusion of "A Good Man Is Hard to Find."

I just requested I Am an Executioner through ILL. That will be my Halloween read this year.

ETA: Oops, I'm in my TBR account!