SF-Novel-60-70s - 3 psychic humans fighting aliens by pretending to be part of a circus

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SF-Novel-60-70s - 3 psychic humans fighting aliens by pretending to be part of a circus

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apr 18, 2015, 5:54 pm

Looking for a book I read back in the 1970s but believe was possibly written as early as the 1960s.

In it, there were three humans, two men and a woman. Each had a psychic type ability, clairvoyance, telepathy and telekinesis. They were part of a war going on between humans and an alien race, a point which became important later in the story. The three are on a ship that is attacked in space. They escape landing on a primitive human planet. To make money and fit in, they set up or join some kind of traveling circus where they do tricks based on their psychic abilities. Then the aliens show up trying to find them.

At one point I remember a scene in which the primitive humans are somehow able to fight off an alien attack using only thrown farm implements (e.g. I think pitchforks?). It turns out the psychic human woman was telekinetically guiding the pitchforks to kill the aliens. The leader of the three gets upset at her thinking the aliens will realize such "perfect throwing ability" will tip off the aliens that something is wrong.

I thought it might be an Andre Norton book as it had that kind of feel and I was reading a lot of Norton back then. But, when I have reviewed the listing of her novels, I didn't see a title/cover that seemed to match so I might have been mixing this with some other of her stories I read at the time.


apr 19, 2015, 11:08 pm

This one got asked a few years ago also. It's The Galactic Rejects by Andrew J. Offut. Sorry, can't do touchstones from my phone. Enjoy the book. :-)

apr 19, 2015, 11:32 pm

The Galactic Rejects. Huh, never heard of it but I may have to seek it out. I like both E.E. Doc Smith's series about galactic spies/agents coming from a high-gravity circus family (starting with Imperial Stars) and Barry Longyear's Circus World series (starting with City of Baraboo).

apr 20, 2015, 7:27 am

pjfarm. Many thanks! That's the one. I recognize the cover now that I see it.