Anti-Terra: A Critical Study of Vladimir Nabakov’s Novels


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Anti-Terra: A Critical Study of Vladimir Nabakov’s Novels

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Bewerkt: okt 15, 2007, 12:24 am

I have just heard of a book by Azar Nafisi entitled Anti-Terra: A Critical Study of Vladimir Nabokov’s Novels. I can find references to it galore, but not the book itself. I see it won't even load on the touchstone here. Drat.
If anyone knows of this book, please post a source here.

dec 22, 2015, 2:14 pm

The reason you can't find it is that it was in Persian, not English. (Sorry this response is so delayed!)

jan 3, 2016, 2:07 pm

I did write an essay on Ada that was included in my essay anthology The NSFW Files:

Anti-Terra is a fascinating science fiction concept and leads into Nabokov's late novels about identity.