Contemporary thriller set in the East about a lost/stolen valuable tapestry

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Contemporary thriller set in the East about a lost/stolen valuable tapestry

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jun 21, 2016, 7:21 am

I got this book out of the library about 13 years ago. I was totally gripped by it but can't remember what it was called or it's author. It was set in the far east and involved a rare and valuable piece of tapestry that had been stolen and had to be recovered. it's not a historical novel, the setting was contemporary. I think the silk roads were a part of the story. I think it's likely to have been a UK author. I think the title is similar to Cloud Atlas - but the novel is obviously not Cloud Atlas by David Mitchell. Does this ring a bell with anyone? :)

jun 21, 2016, 11:42 am

Ha. I was all set to recommend a contemporary romance until you invoked Cloud Atlas and UK author.

I'll offer it up as a suggestion anyhow. IIRC, Tell Me No Lies, Lowell is about a silk tapestry.

Bewerkt: jun 21, 2016, 5:47 pm

the Elizabeth Lowell about the silk fragment is Shadow and Silk

it was published under her Ann Maxwell name back in the 90s, then re-published under Elizabeth Lowell in the last few years. The heroine is a textile historian and is making a deal to buy the fragment in the streets of Lhasa when it is stolen, then adventures ensue while she tries to retrieve it from the villains.

jun 21, 2016, 9:36 pm

>3 beesocks: Ha! The other one is about an artifact. For the life of me, I don't know what it is since it isn't the silk tapestry.

jun 21, 2016, 10:48 pm

all I remember is that in Tell Me No Lies she was supposed to be incorruptible and had to pretend to be dirty in order to save the free world or something, also there was a mysterious guy, something about Chinese artifacts, and stuff happened.

jun 23, 2016, 5:16 pm

Shadow and Silk! I think that must be it, although there must have been a different jacket in the UK, I'd never have taken out a book from the library with a naked man's torso on it!
Many thanks for your help lesmel and beesocks - much appreciated. x

jun 24, 2016, 1:54 pm

the old cover on the Maxwell version was more discreet, solid white with yellow flowers :)