Mamie's 2018 Madness (Page 3)

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Mamie's 2018 Madness (Page 3)

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Bewerkt: jan 9, 2018, 2:01 pm

Hi, I’m Mamie. Let’s see…I’m 50, happily married for the past 27 years, mother of four children - the baby will be twenty this year. *gasp* I joined LT in late 2011, just after my Dad had died, and I joined the 75ers and had my very first thread in 2012. SO this is my seventh year here amongst the Mighty 75, and I have to say that this group has been a gift to me. I like that we can share our reading journeys and our life's adventures with snark and with sincerity in equal measures. Okay, maybe a bit heavier on the snark for me. I am looking forward to discovering what 2018 has in store for us. At any rate, there will be wine and laughter and hopefully shenanigans along the way.

Bewerkt: jan 16, 2018, 10:42 am



Books Read in January:
1. Blizzard of Glass: The Halifax Explosion of 1917 by Sally M. Walker (4 stars), library hardback, YA non-fiction/history - mentioned on Julia's thread last year in reference to the 100 year anniversary of the incident
2. March: Book Two by John Lewis, Andrew Aydin, and Nate Powell (5 stars), library paperback, GN non-fiction/memoir/Civil Rights Movement
3. Artemis by Andy Weir (4 stars), 2017 acquired audiobook, sci-fi
4. You Gotta Get Bigger Dreams by Alan Cumming, narrated by Alan Cumming (4.5 stars), 2018 purchased audiobook, non-fiction/vignettes with selfies
5. The Princess Diarist by Carrie Fisher, narrated by Carrie Fisher and Billy Lourd (4 stars), 2018 acquired audiobook - recommended by Mark
6. The White Album by Joan Didion (4 stars), 2017 acquired ebook, non-fiction/essays

Bewerkt: jan 9, 2018, 2:03 pm

I am planning on walking the cat again this year. That is, I am just going to go where my reading takes me. I am not committing to any challenges except for Katie’s PopReadHarderSugarEtc.Challenges 2018

Bewerkt: jan 9, 2018, 2:03 pm

Katie’s Dirty Dozen - That’s right, folks, KAK’s reserved spot is back for a fourth year, let’s see what she gets me with this time

Bewerkt: jan 9, 2018, 2:04 pm

Susan’s Summer Shivers - Susan’s suggestions for some cold reading during the hot summer, which lasts about 9 months in Georgia

1. The Terror by Dan Simmons
2. The Abominable by Dan Simmons

Bewerkt: jan 16, 2018, 10:27 am

Every year, LT is an embarrassment of riches for me. I like to keep track of who recommends what and any other pertinent info that lands a book on The List.

1. Curse of the Narrows by Laura m. MacDonald - about the Halifax explosion of 1917. Recommended by Bonnie, Meg, and Susan
2. Greenglass House by Kate Milford - recommended by Amber (she gave it an A!)
3. In America: Travels With John Steinbeck by Geert Mak - recommended by Anita
4. The Miniaturist by Jessie Burton - recommended by Barbara
5. Darktown by Thomas Mullen - Jim, and he says the second book Lightning Men is just as good
6. The Book of Dust by Philip Pullman, audio narrated by Michael Sheen - recommended by Traci
7. The North Water by Ian McGuire - recommended by Judy - Mark and Katie loved this one, too

Bewerkt: jan 9, 2018, 2:05 pm

2018 PopSugar Reading Challenge

1. A book made into a movie you've already seen
2. True crime
3. The next book in a series you started
4. A book involving a heist
5. Nordic noir
6. A novel based on a real person
7. A book set in a country that fascinates you
8. A book with a time of day in the title
9. A book about a villain or antihero
10. A book about death or grief
11. A book with a female author who uses a male pseudonym
12. A book with an LGBTQ+ protagonist
13. A book that is also a stage play or musical
14. A book by an author of a different ethnicity than you
15. A book about feminism
16. A book about mental health
17. A book you borrowed or that was given to you as a gift
18. A book by two authors
19. A book about or involving a sport
20. A book by a local author - March: Book Two by John Lewis, Andrew Aydin, and Nate Powell
21. A book with your favorite color in the title
22. A book with alliteration in the title
23. A book about time travel
24. A book with a weather element in the title
25. A book set at sea
26. A book with an animal in the title
27. A book set on a different planet
28. A book with song lyrics in the title
29. A book about or set on Halloween
30. A book with characters who are twins
31. A book mentioned in another book
32. A book from a celebrity book club
33. A childhood classic you've never read
34. A book that's published in 2018
35. A past Goodreads Choice Awards winner Artemis by Andy Weir
36. A book set in the decade you were born
37. A book you meant to read in 2017 but didn't get to
38. A book with an ugly cover
39. A book that involves a bookstore or library
40. Your favorite prompt from the 2015, 2016, or 2017 POPSUGAR Reading Challenges (you can easily Google these)

Advanced Reading Challenge

1. A bestseller from the year you graduated high school
2. A cyberpunk book
3. A book that was being read by a stranger in a public place
4. A book tied to your ancestry
5. A book with a fruit or vegetable in the title
6. An allegory
7. A book by an author with the same first or last name as you
8. A microhistory - Blizzard of Glass: The Halifax Explosion of 1917 by Sally M. Walker
9. A book about a problem facing society today
10. A book recommended by someone else taking the POPSUGAR Reading Challenge

Bewerkt: jan 9, 2018, 2:08 pm


Book #3: Artemis by Andy Weir (4 stars), 2017 acquired audiobook, sci-fi

I know that Artemis has gotten very mixed reviews, but I liked it. Let me, however, be very specific about what I liked about it. It’s fun. And it’s fast-paced and action-packed. And it’s full of snark and nerdy science stuff that can boggle the mind and illuminate it at the same time. I like all of this, and I love when all of it can be delivered to me by an audiobook narration that elevates the experience. Rosario Dawson narrated this, and she does a very good job with the pacing and the delivery. So good, in fact, that I was willing to overlook her inability to get the accents right - you have to just let go of that and be thankful that you can tell exactly who is talking. SO she’s bad, but she’s consistent. Heh. And this isn’t The Martian, so lower your expectations by a lot. If you are looking for character development or clever plotting, then maybe take a pass on this one. But, if you love audiobooks and are up for a fun high-speed romp set on the moon with loads of humor and science thrown in, then I can highly recommend it.

This should do it - next one's yours!

jan 9, 2018, 2:00 pm

Happy new thread! Betcha didn't expect such a quick response!

jan 9, 2018, 2:01 pm

>9 drneutron: Thanks, Jim! And no, I didn't - were you waiting for me?

jan 9, 2018, 2:05 pm

Happy #3, Mamie.

Lady power so far this year as you are setting a fair old lick on your thread. xx

jan 9, 2018, 2:06 pm

>11 PaulCranswick: Thank you, Paul!

jan 9, 2018, 2:09 pm

Happy New Thread, Mamie!

I love that topper.

jan 9, 2018, 2:15 pm

Happy new thread, Mamie! (Now to go read the last couple dozen posts on your last thread. :-) )

jan 9, 2018, 2:23 pm

Happy new thread :)

Bewerkt: jan 9, 2018, 2:24 pm

^You have been taking off like a rocket lately! Go Mamie! I hope you are dressed warm enough for the stratosphere and please be careful of that dreaded windburn.

Happy New Thread, my friend. And hooray for Artemis. I hope to get to it soon.

jan 9, 2018, 2:28 pm

Ooh, shiny and new!

jan 9, 2018, 2:30 pm

Happy 3rd thread, Mamie! For once I'm early. :)

jan 9, 2018, 2:34 pm

>10 Crazymamie: I happened to catch you in the midst of reserving messages and refreshed until you said next was ours. 😁

jan 9, 2018, 2:38 pm

>13 jnwelch: Thanks, Joe! I love the topper, too - and look at the plate that goes with it. Mamie WANT!

>14 harrygbutler: Thank you, Harry! And bonus points for going back to catch up on the old thread.

>15 figsfromthistle: Thanks, Anita!

jan 9, 2018, 2:38 pm

Happy new thread!

jan 9, 2018, 2:41 pm

>20 Crazymamie: - Oh, that cup and saucer are PERFECT for you!

jan 9, 2018, 2:41 pm

>16 msf59: Thank you, Mark! That photo made me laugh - I would definitely be holding on with both hands.

I think you will like Artemis when you get to it - be sure to go with the audio.

>17 katiekrug: Yeppers, Katie.

>18 Deern: Hello, Nathalie! Thank you and congrats on being early!

>19 drneutron: Excellent work, Jim!

jan 9, 2018, 2:43 pm

>21 humouress: Thank you, Nina!

>22 katiekrug: I really want them, Katie!

jan 9, 2018, 2:46 pm

>20 Crazymamie: Ha! Perfect!

jan 9, 2018, 2:47 pm

>25 jnwelch: That's what I thought!

jan 9, 2018, 3:59 pm

You're flying up with your threads. I've only the time to say everytime: happy new thread.

jan 9, 2018, 4:09 pm

Happy new thread. Loving the coffee cup & saucer!!

jan 9, 2018, 4:09 pm

Happy new one, Mamie. Looks like we will be saying that a lot around here... ;-)

jan 9, 2018, 4:11 pm

Ooooba doooba! Happy third thread of '18 my dear!!

jan 9, 2018, 4:53 pm

Happy new Thread. still not behind. *does happy dance

jan 9, 2018, 6:34 pm

Mamie sighting.

jan 9, 2018, 7:42 pm

Sat out on the deck this afternoon, maybe for a half-hour. Temp mid-40s, snow melting away. Sorry I hadn't taken a book, but I used the walker to get out there and I wasn't about to go back in. Just enjoyed the cool and the fresh air.

jan 9, 2018, 8:28 pm

You are zipping right along on your third thread. I think I want to join you by the fireside!

jan 9, 2018, 9:03 pm

Happy new thread, Mamie.

jan 9, 2018, 9:47 pm

Happy new thread, Mamie!

jan 9, 2018, 9:50 pm

jan 9, 2018, 11:10 pm

Third thread already! My goodness, Mamie. Have a happy new anyhow. ;-)

jan 10, 2018, 7:51 am

Hi Mamie and happy Wednesday to you!

I'm panting from trying to keep caught up. I may have missed the bit about you getting a good report card at the dentist, but hope it went well.

jan 10, 2018, 7:56 am

>27 Ameise1: Thank you, Barbara! I predict things will slow down as we head into February.

>28 Helenliz: Thank you, Helen. Me, too with the cup and saucer love.

>29 jessibud2: Thank you, Shelley! *grin*

jan 10, 2018, 7:58 am

>30 Carmenere: Thanks, Lynda!

>31 BBGirl55: Thank you, Bryony! And look at you keeping caught up - nice! What book won the vote - I need to come and see.

>32 richardderus: Oh, I love that, BigDaddy! That would be a great thread topper.

jan 10, 2018, 8:01 am

>33 weird_O: Deck sitting? I LOVE to do that - good for you, Bill. Sometimes it's good to just sit and let the body and the mind recharge. I love to do that in the evenings when there is a clear night sky - just sit quietly with a glass of wine and star gaze.

How is the leg? DO you have a boot on now?

>34 thornton37814: Thank you, Lori!

>35 BLBera: Thanks, Beth!

jan 10, 2018, 8:05 am

>36 scaifea: Thank you, Amber!

>37 katiekrug: Agreed.

>38 ronincats: Thanks, Roni!

>39 karenmarie: Morning, Karen! Happy Wednesday, although for some reason it feels like Thursday to me. The dentist visit was near the bottom of the last thread - I went and did get my teeth cleaned, and the hygienist did not see anything she was concerned about, but there was no dentist there. Apparently this is a new thing they are doing - the dentist will look at the x-rays later and call me if I need to come back in. Weird.

jan 10, 2018, 8:26 am

Morning, Mamie!

I've got a routine dentist visit coming up. I can't imagine him not being there unless he's sick. That is weird.

jan 10, 2018, 8:34 am

So last night Rae, Craig and I watched a few episodes of Haven. We finished up season 3 and went straight into season 4. Things are definitely getting interesting.

On the reading front, I am really enjoying Joan Didion's The White Album. The title essay is the very first one in the book, and it is all a sort of mosaic about the 60s - the Black Panthers, Jim Morrison, Charles Manson follower Linda Kasabian, drugs...but she weaves her own experience through it in a very nuanced way. Almost like a stream of consciousness essay - anyway, I thought it was brilliant. The collection is divided into five parts, the title essay being all by itself in part one. I am currently finishing up part two, which is titled "California Republic" and contains seven essays. What I notice about her writing is how well it holds up - it is not dated, although it is firmly anchored in the events of the 60s and 70s. What she has to say is still relevant today.

For anyone participating in Mark's AAC (Joan Didion is the featured author this month), there is a documentary about her on Netflix, titled The Center Will Not Hold which is very good.

jan 10, 2018, 8:36 am

>44 jnwelch: Morning, Joe! It was very weird, and it seems counter productive to me. If I had not needed x-rays this visit, then there would be nothing for the dentist to look at - she would have to trust the judgement of the hygienist, and that is not the hygienist's job.

jan 10, 2018, 8:51 am

>37 katiekrug:, >41 Crazymamie: It just looked "right" for this assemblage of vox populi.

Oh oh, my AWordADay reading binge is showing.

jan 10, 2018, 8:54 am

>47 richardderus: Morning, Richard! It is indeed a perfect fit here. And look at you showing off your mad skills!

jan 10, 2018, 8:56 am

>43 Crazymamie: Very weird. My dentist always comes in and personally pokes around after the hygienist has finished. He's a friend of ours, so I don't mind very much.

jan 10, 2018, 8:57 am

>49 karenmarie: Yep. That's how it's always been for me, too.

jan 10, 2018, 8:59 am

>41Happy Wednesday! About the Vote there was a tie. So please go vote in the new vote.

jan 10, 2018, 9:04 am

Hello, Bryony! Happy Wednesday! I just came from our thread, actually - I voted for #19.

jan 10, 2018, 9:10 am

I found my next french press:

jan 10, 2018, 9:13 am

Love the optimism - but I want to see the coffee.

jan 10, 2018, 9:28 am

It's almost pornographic, isn't it?

jan 10, 2018, 9:29 am

Yes. *grin*

jan 10, 2018, 9:31 am

>45 Crazymamie: Thanks for the tip about the Didion documentary, Mamie. I apparently own Slouching Towards Bethlehem in ebook, so I'm going to try to read that but i may not be this month as I have somehow gotten rather overbooked.

jan 10, 2018, 9:35 am

>57 rosalita: Sure thing, Julia. I read Slouching Towards Bethlehem last year and like it very much. The John Wayne essay in there is my favorite. And i completely understand overbooked - the lovely thing about books is that they are always willing to wait.

jan 10, 2018, 9:36 am

I will keep an eye out for the John Wayne essay! And yes, as much as I lean on the library these days, there's something to be said for books that patiently live on your shelves or in your ereader, waiting for you.

jan 10, 2018, 9:48 am

Being surrounded by books that I have yet to read is one of my greatest comforts. And yes - watch out for The Duke!

jan 10, 2018, 10:30 am

Good morning, Mamie!

I don't really care for my dentist, so I probably wouldn't mind if he weren't there for my regular visits. And my best visit there was with a temporary hygienist who was filling in while the regular one was on vacation. I'd likely switch save that it's easier to just keep going back.

>60 Crazymamie: I love being surrounded by books I have yet to read, as well as books that are old friends. I never really think in terms of a TBR pile, both because I don't feel anxious to cross books off a list, and because I revisit books regularly.

jan 10, 2018, 10:33 am

>60 Crazymamie: Being surrounded by books that I have yet to read is one of my greatest comforts. Yes!

And thumbs up to >61 harrygbutler: Harry's I never really think in terms of a TBR pile, both because I don't feel anxious to cross books off a list, and because I revisit books regularly.

jan 10, 2018, 10:37 am

>60 Crazymamie: I definitely agree! Sometimes when I am upset, I sit the middle of my library room and just look at my books and voila! I'm happy again :)

jan 10, 2018, 10:43 am

>61 harrygbutler: Morning, Harry! The thing about our dentist that I love is that her office is only five minutes from our house. And they are very good with Rae, which means a lot to me. (My oldest daughter has Asperger's Syndrome)

I also love to reread - I would guess that about 25% of my reading each year is rereads. So yeah, I never really feel bogged down at all by the number of books sitting around me that have yet to be read. I'll either get to them or not, and in the meantime I like knowing that they are there.

>62 karenmarie: *grin*

jan 10, 2018, 10:45 am

Mamie, thanks for your comment about Didion's writing not feeling dated. I have been somewhat hesitant to try her, thinking I wouldn't find much of interest or to connect to.

I do plan to read her memoir, The Year of MAgical Thinking this month.

jan 10, 2018, 10:48 am

>63 figsfromthistle: I love just looking at them, too, Anita.

Bewerkt: jan 10, 2018, 10:51 am

Hi Mamie - I picked up Blizzard of Glass from the library last night. Looking forward to reading that next.

>20 Crazymamie: Oh it's even better with the plate

I had that same thing happen at my last dental cleaning appointment. Was surprised the dentist wasn't there.

jan 10, 2018, 10:54 am

>65 katiekrug: She is a keen observer, Katie, so she brings something to everything she writes about. I do think you will like her writing style.

jan 10, 2018, 10:56 am

>67 SuziQoregon: Hello, Juli! I hope you like Blizzard of Glass as much as I did.

It's completely charming with the plate - I love that Mary Oliver quote. One of my favorites.

Interesting about the dentist - the way of the future, I guess.

jan 10, 2018, 12:08 pm

Morning, Mamie. I am so glad to hear you are enjoying The White Album. I am starting it at lunch, so very soon.

jan 10, 2018, 12:11 pm

Happy new thread, Mamie!
I liked your review of Artemis from your previous thread. I have that one waiting in the stacks.

jan 10, 2018, 12:36 pm

I LOVE the "I believe in kindness" mug. We so badly need more kindness in our world.

>45 Crazymamie: You are making me want to read The White Album.

jan 10, 2018, 12:40 pm

>70 msf59: Morning, Mark! It's very good so far - are you reading it in print or listening to it?

>71 ChelleBearss: Thank you, Chelle! Hoping you like Artemis when you get to it - I thought it was very fun.

>72 EBT1002: Me, too, Ellen. And yes, more kindness is exactly what we need.

I am really enjoying The White Album - would definitely recommend it if it holds up all the way through> i love how her voice comes through in her writing.

jan 10, 2018, 1:35 pm

Wow, you are really on fire (as usual). Happy new thread and thanks for comments on Didion book.

jan 10, 2018, 2:06 pm

>60 Crazymamie: Preach, Sister Woman.

jan 10, 2018, 2:16 pm

Happy new one, Mamie!

>32 richardderus: I'm concerned about your eyes if you are reading in that light. :-P

jan 10, 2018, 2:17 pm

>74 RebaRelishesReading: Thank you, Reba! You are so sweet. Glad you appreciated the Didion comments - I had not read anything by her before last year, but I really like her writing style.

>75 richardderus: You know it, Brother!

jan 10, 2018, 2:19 pm

>76 brodiew2: Thanks, Brodie. And don't worry - if my eyes start to feel fatigued, then I will switch to audio. *blinks*

jan 10, 2018, 2:39 pm

>42 Crazymamie: The deck sitting was a simple response to the end of subzero temps (overnight). It got up into the 40s and after being confined to the indoors, I was glad to be outside.

The ankle seems to be coming along fine. I do have a boot, a huge one. I can take it off for bed, taking a shower, etc. The incisions are healing great. But non-weight-bearing until at least Jan. 26.

jan 10, 2018, 2:51 pm

>79 weird_O: Yep. I love sitting outside or on the screen-in porch - helps to reset the internal clock, I feel like. Always makes me feel more at ease - like taking a deep breath.

SO happy the ankle is coming along fine - that is such a long haul to get it back in working order again. You'll be happy to know that Daniel got back full function of his - that ankle is slightly bigger than the other one, and he has a bit of numbness, but that's it. He did have to change the kind of socks he wore - he had always worn the ones that hit right at the ankle, but now he wears the ones that come mid-calf so he doesn't put pressure on the scar area. His surgeon, who had the same type of injury, and had been through all of it himself told him to switch. So now crazy socks are his thing. He loves this brand:

jan 10, 2018, 3:40 pm

The Didion sounds good, Mamie.

Love the socks.

Happy Hump Day.

jan 10, 2018, 4:31 pm

Hello, Beth! The Didion is good so far. And the socks are fun. Happy Hump Day to you!

jan 10, 2018, 5:09 pm

Lovely socks Mamie. My brother has a thing about wearing brightly coloured odd socks. He says as the rest is a very bland uniform, the socks are a chance to show his personality.
(Draw your own conclusions about that!)

jan 10, 2018, 5:19 pm

>83 charl08: - I believe my Prime Minister does the same! :-)

jan 10, 2018, 6:10 pm

>83 charl08: Thanks, Charlotte - he has slowly amassed an entire drawer full of them. He even has a pair with bacon and eggs on them. And I agree with your brother.

>84 jessibud2: Ha! Hello, Shelley!

jan 10, 2018, 6:14 pm

>85 Crazymamie: - Hi, Mamie. In one of my threads last year, I think it was Bill who posted a funny item about Trudeau wearing Chewbecca (sp?) socks in a meeting with a couple of other world leaders. It was funny, but (to me), not surprising. I had seen him do that before

Bewerkt: jan 10, 2018, 6:18 pm

>73 Crazymamie: I am reading The White Album in print, Mamie. I snagged the ebook awhile back. I finished the title story and completely agree with you- It is excellent. A perfect California snapshot of the late 60s. I just started the 3rd essay.

jan 10, 2018, 6:19 pm

A few days without keeping up with the threads and I am a dazzling 200+ posts behind on your threads, Mamie, so belated happy new thread.

>80 Crazymamie: I like the socks, my husband is a fan of Happy Socks. Every time he travels to Rotterdam he buys one pair. Makes him happy ;-)

jan 10, 2018, 6:22 pm

>86 jessibud2: Too funny! Love that story!

>87 msf59: Me, too. I loved the essay about the Governor's house - I think it's either the fourth or the fifth essay.

jan 10, 2018, 6:32 pm

>80 Crazymamie: Thanks for the sock tip, Mamie! I want 'em.

jan 10, 2018, 6:35 pm

>89 Crazymamie: - Found it: from my second to last thread last year, look at post #83:


jan 10, 2018, 6:54 pm

>90 weird_O: *grin* I'm here for you, Bill!

>91 jessibud2: On my way, Shelley!

jan 10, 2018, 7:00 pm

Back to say I LOVED it!! Too fun! Here are the socks for anyone else who is interested:

Shelley, thanks so much for that link!

jan 10, 2018, 9:08 pm

Hah, came here to say hello and drop a star, stayed for the socks and lovely reviews :)

jan 10, 2018, 9:19 pm

>94 evilmoose: Hello there, Megan! Great to see you here, and thank you for the kind words.

jan 11, 2018, 1:28 am

Woman, how can you be on your 3rd thread already?!?! : )

People must like you or something.

jan 11, 2018, 7:37 am

>97 Crazymamie: Morning, Kim! You say the sweetest things - thank you, my friend.

jan 11, 2018, 7:48 am

LOVE Daniel's taste in socks! Charlie is a fan of colorful and interesting socks, too, and tends to get lots of compliments one them.

jan 11, 2018, 7:55 am

Morning, Amber! The socks have become Daniel's thing, and they are very fun. I am not surprised that Charlie is also a fan of the bold sock - he has impeccable taste. And delightful personality. It only stands to reason that this would be reflected in his socks. *grin*

jan 11, 2018, 9:30 am

Good morning, Mamie! Socks are a good outlet for sartorial creativity. I recommend some experimentation with shoes, too. I'm a big fan of spectators and have a few pairs, but to set off those socks well, wovens like these might be better:

Lake Bluff Weave Dress Loafer

jan 11, 2018, 9:32 am

Very nice, Harry! Look at you recommending shoes!

jan 11, 2018, 9:43 am

I LOVE CRAZY SOCKS. I bought myself some for Christmas. One pair has a little happy cup of 'positivi-tea'. And another pair is covered in doughnuts and cupcakes. Basically my perfect sock-age right there.

jan 11, 2018, 9:46 am

I am loving all the sock love, Ellie! I recently had to purchase some socks mentioned on Joe's thread:

I am a huge fan of Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep, so of course I had to have the socks!

jan 11, 2018, 9:49 am

When at all humanly possible, I am sockless. Almost always shoeless as well. But then again, with my multivarious foot issues, it's hardly a shock. Reminds me, I need to get some more slides.

Apple cake, anyone?

jan 11, 2018, 9:53 am

Morning, BigDaddy! My feet are usually cold, so I almost always have socks on - only wear shoes if I am going somewhere.

Yes to the apple cake - my mom used to make a really fabulous one, but it looked nothing like that. Much less glamorous as she baked it in a regular 9x11 pan, but it had this really decadent icing that had coconut in it. SO good.

jan 11, 2018, 9:59 am

>105 Crazymamie: OMG OMG OMG

That sounds delightful delovely delicious! *sigh* I love apple cakes, almost all of them. The only duds I've had were the ones made with box mix and pie filling. *shudder*

jan 11, 2018, 10:00 am

>101 Crazymamie: Oh, yes, I've plenty. My black and white spectators on the day I got them:

jan 11, 2018, 10:11 am

>106 richardderus: Oh, it was! Really moist and the taste of the apples came through so well. There were pecans in there, too. I should look around and see if I can dig up the recipe. I've only made it a few times because the icing is really tricky.

>107 harrygbutler: Very dapper, Harry!

Bewerkt: jan 11, 2018, 10:37 am

Happy Unnamed Day Which Shall Remain So, Mamie!

We need to have an Electric Sheep socks meetup! Aren't they great?

jan 11, 2018, 10:52 am

Morning, Mamie. Sweet Thursday. Almost balmy conditions out here, at the moment. It won't last.

Looking forward to getting back into The White Album. I hope you can share some of your thoughts over on the AAC thread.

jan 11, 2018, 10:52 am

Joe, it's Thursday, what's the matter with you?

I do not actually have the socks in hand yet - they are supposed to be arriving today. I am very excited about it. I might have also ordered a shirt:

jan 11, 2018, 10:53 am

And I stumbled across this, which made me laugh:

jan 11, 2018, 10:54 am

jan 11, 2018, 10:55 am

>112 Crazymamie: I know, right?!

jan 11, 2018, 12:09 pm

>103 Crazymamie: Love those socks!
I much prefer summer when I can be sockless but I do appreciated a nice pair of crazy socks! Nate put some in my Christmas stocking that have little polar bears on them.

jan 11, 2018, 12:27 pm

I can't wait until they get here, Chelle. I also love a nice pair of crazy socks - so fun. And hooray for your polar bears.

jan 11, 2018, 12:35 pm

I like interesting socks, but my current favourites are made from bamboo fibre. They are just the softest things imaginable, slightly fluffy, warm and lovely.

jan 11, 2018, 12:41 pm

>117 Helenliz: Bamboo fiber? Interesting, Helen. They sound awesome. Now I need a photo.

jan 11, 2018, 1:17 pm

Bamboo fiber sheets are more slinky and sensually satisfying than satin ones, and a lot easier to care for.

jan 11, 2018, 1:52 pm

Hello Mamie! I hope all is well with you.

>103 Crazymamie: >111 Crazymamie: >112 Crazymamie: I love the Androids and Electric Sheep!

jan 11, 2018, 2:32 pm

>119 richardderus: Well who knew?! Besides you, that is.

>120 brodiew2: Hello, Brodie! All is well. Hooray for the sheep love.

jan 11, 2018, 3:10 pm

>118 Crazymamie: sorry, they're not very exciting.
They feel softer and warmer than cotton, but not as heavy or stiff as wool.
>119 richardderus: slinky is a good word, they're very supple.

jan 11, 2018, 3:21 pm

Now, Helen, I have done some looking online, and it appears that you could get some very exciting bamboo socks, so maybe next time.


jan 11, 2018, 3:29 pm

Beware! Daniel will become a convert and that gets costly....

jan 11, 2018, 4:12 pm

>112 Crazymamie: That is an awesome comic (and I've never read DADoES!).

I'm quite enjoying the socks. P is a huge fan of fun socks; I'll check out Pair of Thieves brand....

jan 11, 2018, 4:32 pm

>124 richardderus: Daniel is 23; he pays for his own socks. *sigh of relief*

>125 EBT1002: Glad you like the comic - made me laugh out loud when I found it. And WHAT?! Ellen. Ellen! You must read it! It's a cult classic.

The Pair of Thieves brand are very well made and wash up nicely. And Target carries them - I'm sure other places do, too, but it's nice to have them available so close to home.

jan 11, 2018, 4:40 pm

First thing's first....from the last thread, Artemis by Andy Weir...I says it in the book shop and it was a shameful reminder to me that I have neither read the first (?) book, nor seen the film. *tsk tsk*. Of course, my progress is hindered my my inability to read a book with a film cover. (that and the hundred other reasons that other books get read first, you know them all...)

Also, happy new thread.

Also, socks! I love them too, but usually wear black tights in winter. And mostly black things all the time actually. So the colourfulness of them freaks me out slightly. Yes, I am that person ;)

jan 11, 2018, 4:45 pm

>127 LovingLit: Megan, The Martian is very good - full of snark and humor and science. I think you would like it. BUT, I also have not seen the movie. The kids did, and they liked it.

Thank you for wishing my thread happy.

I never wear black tights. On account of it's Georgia. I also just don't wear a lot of black. Because cats.

jan 11, 2018, 4:50 pm

>128 Crazymamie: cats? Black cats? unlucky?

I am a fan of a colourful skirt with black tights, glad tee shirt and black sneakers. That is kind of my uniform :)

jan 11, 2018, 4:52 pm

>129 LovingLit: No. Because we have three cats, and black seems to be a magnet for cat hair. If I wear black, I have to constantly lint roll myself.

I like your idea of a uniform!

jan 11, 2018, 4:57 pm

...or you could shave the cats...or hey! Here's an idea: Get rid of the damned things.

Merely assisting you in the process of imaging ways of expanding your sartorial options.

jan 11, 2018, 5:04 pm

So thoughtful, I love the cats. They stay.

jan 11, 2018, 5:07 pm

*sigh* One expends one's best efforts to brainstorm a workable, permanent solution to a very real problem and some misguided interspecies simulacrum of the sacred affectional bonds between humans and dogs gets all up in here.

Bewerkt: jan 11, 2018, 5:18 pm

>127 LovingLit: I'll add my voice to praise for The Martian. Very accessible and compelling in humor and drama. You will like the character immediately and being willing to go with him on his journey wherever it takes him.

jan 11, 2018, 5:26 pm

>133 richardderus: Nice try, Einstein. * there, there, pat, pat*

>134 brodiew2: Yeppers.

jan 11, 2018, 6:34 pm

Hi Mamie!

All this sock talk is amusing - I usually wear thick woolen socks. My daughter on the other hand, never wears matching socks and was thrilled several years ago when my sister got her six 'pairs' of patterned socks. 12 individual socks, that is, not one of them matched another. For someone who has probably literally spent weeks of my life matching socks, this non-matching was painful, but I finally let it go. Mismatched socks are her thing.

The problem with a calico cat, which I have one of, is that no matter what one wears, there is always a cat hair that shows. Thank goodness my husband brushes both kitties almost every day, so there are few cat hairs just floating in the breeze.

jan 11, 2018, 6:49 pm

>112 Crazymamie: Oh I love it.

Sock wise I like a just above ankle fluffy sock. My feet get cold.

jan 11, 2018, 7:18 pm

^Did you miss me up there? Say it ain't so? I may have cross-posted with Joe and you just lumped in the Chicago people. Sighs...

jan 12, 2018, 5:25 am

Interesting how quickly the conditioning thing works... the first 2 pics with socks yesterday made me think "ew, socks...". This morning I already thought "hm, I should get some funny socks, I never had any. And maybe mismatch." I'll be in town tomorrow, when I see more colorful socks here I might really buy some.
I usually wear black simple ones, and at home one of the multicolored woollen pairs my grandma handknitted for all the family until recently. I could start mismatching those.

jan 12, 2018, 6:29 am

>139 Deern: no no no no, that way madness lies! Not mismatched socks!! I can happily wear ridiculous socks, but only in pairs. Can't do the odd socks business at all. I can't say I enjoy pairing socks, but my attention to detail would struggle with wearing odd socks. I'd know, even if no one else did.

jan 12, 2018, 8:42 am

I've pretty much assembled a collection of "cat" socks so I pretty much wear cats every day.

jan 12, 2018, 9:09 am

>136 karenmarie: Hello, Karen! I loved the story of your daughter's mismatched socks. My daughter Abby almost always wears mismatched socks but not because it's a personal choice - she somehow manages to always lose one. They disappear into the universe and are never heard from again.

We have a tuxedo cat and two tabbies, but the tabbies both have white feet and tummies, so lots of white hair here at the Pecan Paradisio.

jan 12, 2018, 9:21 am

>137 BBGirl55: I like socks that come just above the ankle for walking or wearing with sneakers, Bryony. And ironically (because I do not hike), I like these hiking socks for wearing around the house:

They are Thorlo socks, and they feel great on the feet. My girls like to borrow them for wearing with their boots.

>138 msf59: Mark, I am SO sorry, my friend!! I did miss you - we posted at the same time. No, I did not lump the Chicago people all together, though that did make me laugh - I just didn't see you at all.

I did share some of my thoughts over on the AAC but not the latest ones - I'll repost over there. I am now in part four of The White Album. Where are you?

Bewerkt: jan 12, 2018, 9:38 am

Happy Friday, Mamie!

ETA: I also like fun socks, and have slowly been converting The Wayne into a fun sock kind of guy... And I have a bagful of funny socks to bring to Dallas with me on Sunday - I got a pair for all my friends, with different things on them, depending on their personality.


jan 12, 2018, 9:38 am

>139 Deern: Your post about the conditioning made me giggle, Nathalie. If you do treat yourself to some funny socks, be sure to report back. For some reason, crazy socks always make me smile. Abby and Rae have some really cool Studio Ghibli socks:

>140 Helenliz: No mismatched socks for you, Helen? I would be okay with the socks not matching, but they would have to be the exact same type of sock because it they were not the same thickness or height, that would make me crazy.

>141 thornton37814: Cat socks?! Now why doesn't that surprise me, Lori? *grin* I don't have any cat socks, but I do have Peyton Manning socks.

jan 12, 2018, 9:42 am

>144 katiekrug: Katie!!! Happy Friday! I love those snarky socks. Converting The Wayne...traveling with a bagful of socks for friends....Katie! You are the Ambassador of Sockage!

jan 12, 2018, 9:48 am

These may be my favorites (with apologies for the language, though given what is spewing out of the President's mouth, I guess it doesn't matter...)

jan 12, 2018, 9:49 am

I LOVE those!!

jan 12, 2018, 9:56 am

>142 Crazymamie: Good morning, Mamie! That's a nice photo of your cats: quite atmospheric.

jan 12, 2018, 10:00 am

Oh yes, Mamie - lovely photo of your three kitties. I wonder what they're staring so intently at?

jan 12, 2018, 10:06 am

>149 harrygbutler: Morning, Harry! Thank you - Abby took the photo. The cats are watching the bird feeder.

>150 karenmarie: Thank you, Karen. Here you go:

jan 12, 2018, 10:10 am

>151 Crazymamie: She did a great job with it!

Thanks for the explanatory photo. We have our feeders visible from a bay window and a kitchen window, and the cats often spend time with just that sort of intent look about them (with occasional vocalization of their desire to hunt).

jan 12, 2018, 10:15 am

Thanks. She has a great eye and has captured some lovely moments.

That window is in our master bedroom - one whole wall is pretty much windows, and Craig set up the bird feeder to attract birds for Mercy (the black and white cat) to watch. She will sit there for hours every day. We have another set-up with a feeder and a bird bath outside of the windows in our dining room which the cats also like, but the bedroom one is their favorite.

jan 12, 2018, 10:24 am

>147 katiekrug: - What do those socks say? I can't read it!! Probably just my eyes but curious minds want to know.

Our news this morning led with the item that this *may be* a new low for trump -- or maybe not. Quote, unquote.
I honestly don't know why I am still surprised by anything he spews, but I am, apparently. I'd say that he has the mentality and the potty mouth of a 12-year old, but that would be highly insulting to 12-year olds everywhere.


jan 12, 2018, 10:27 am

>151 Crazymamie: - Love it! Better than cat tv. I wish my house had a decent window for my cats. I have my only feeder in the front and while it's a great window for me, the cats can't access it. I am in a small townhouse and the only decent windows they can watch from are in the back of the house which gets very little bird action. Occasionally, a squirrel or two will shelter on the window ledge outside my bedroom window and that's usually good for some light entertainment, as the girls try to alert me to an *intruder*...

jan 12, 2018, 10:28 am

jan 12, 2018, 10:29 am

>156 Crazymamie: - Oh, I see. Yep. Bingo. :-D

jan 12, 2018, 10:31 am

>155 jessibud2: All the windows in this house are huge, Shelley, and they have these lovely ledges just perfect for the cats to sit on. But they also love the cat tree we placed just beside the window. And every great once in awhile, we also get a squirrel on the outside ledge and hilarity ensues.

jan 12, 2018, 10:31 am

jan 12, 2018, 10:43 am

>112 Crazymamie: Oh I love that :)

jan 12, 2018, 10:45 am

*grin* Me, too, Stephen!

jan 12, 2018, 11:09 am

Morning, Mamie. Happy Friday. I am just starting Part 3, in The White Album. Not every essay sings but enough do, which keeps me happy.

jan 12, 2018, 11:23 am

>154 jessibud2: some of the reactions to his decision not to visit London and open the US embassy in London are terrific. Twitter is not my favourite mode of communication, but if you're going to be cutting, it can be done excellently in 140 characters.

Y'all (said in my best Texas accent) have my sympathy. I mean our politicians are embarrassing, but usual by being a bit wet.

jan 12, 2018, 12:25 pm

>162 msf59: Morning, Mark! Happy Friday. Right - there are a couple of losers in there, but I kind of expect that in any collection.

>163 Helenliz: *waves at Helen* DOn't get me started. That is all.

jan 12, 2018, 12:45 pm

Thanks for the kitty photos. We hadn't seen them in a long time :(

Back to bamboo fiber -- I knitted myself a scarf a while back from bamboo yarn. It's now my favorite scarf because it's so wonderfully soft. No I just need cold enough weather to wear it once in a while.

jan 12, 2018, 12:48 pm

>45 Crazymamie: The White Album sounds like a great book. I'll see if the library has this one. And, thanks for the note that Netflix has a series about this author.

jan 12, 2018, 1:03 pm

>165 RebaRelishesReading: You're welcome, Reba. I guess I need to check out the stuff made from bamboo fiber. SO interesting.

>166 Whisper1: It's an uneven collection, Linda, but the opening essay is brilliant, and there are several others I have loved. I still have parts 4 and 5 to get through, so I am hoping for more winners in there as well. And the Netflix thing is just a standalone documentary - so not a series, but it's really well done.

jan 12, 2018, 1:50 pm

Book #4: You Gotta Get Bigger Dreams by Alan Cumming, narrated by Alan Cumming (4.5 stars), 2018 purchased audiobook, non-fiction/vignettes with selfies

I love Alan Cumming. He is charming and witty and irreverent. And honest. I snagged this audio as soon as I saw it, but waited to dip into it until I could get the print book from the library to follow along since it's a book of stories with accompanying photos. The book came into the library yesterday, and I started listening to this last night. Finished it up this morning, and it is absolutely delightful. If you don't do audio, then it would work just as well in the print format, but I loved having Cumming tell it to me himself. The audiobook does come with a PDF of the photos, so you can still see the photos without getting the actual print book, but I really enjoyed having both at my disposal.

What Cumming has done is to share selfies that he has taken over the years - both with his cellphone and with cameras with timers - and provide the stories that led to the photo. It will surprise you - the photos are both funny and poignant, eclectic and traditional, bizarre and surreal. The stories will make you laugh out loud and cry. My three favorites are:

"Travels With Honey" - a sort of Travels With Charlie if Steinbeck had been bisexual, vegan, and Scottish.

"You Gotta Get Bigger Dreams" - the story of his taking his friend Eddie, who is completely obsessed with Oprah to see her being honored by the Elie Wiesel Foundation.

"Head Down, Eyes Up" - a lovely homage to his dog Honey that made me sob. He lost Honey to cancer after fourteen years, and this hit so close to home as we said goodbye to two of our dearest canine friends of fourteen years just a brief six months ago.

I just cannot recommend this collection highly enough - selfie vignettes! Who would have thunk it?!

jan 12, 2018, 2:00 pm

I don't know Cumming, Mamie, but I love memoirs and audiobooks so I will have to see if my library has either.

Another bb....... ;-)

jan 12, 2018, 2:06 pm

>168 Crazymamie: I'd not seen that one. I listened to his memoir Not my father's son a few years ago - that got me right in the feels. Completely matter of fact, not at all histrionic, but packs a punch.

jan 12, 2018, 2:11 pm

>169 jessibud2: He's an actor, Shelley, and he's been in a lot of stuff - most recently The Good Wife, but also in movies - GoldenEye, Emma, the SpyKids trilogy, and on Broadway. He wrote and narrated Not My Father's Son, a memoir that has gotten excellent reviews here, and that I have in the stacks but have yet to read. He's fabulous. Hoping you can find this one.

jan 12, 2018, 2:12 pm

>170 Helenliz: I have that memoir in my audio stacks, Helen, and I am wanting to get to it.

jan 12, 2018, 2:30 pm

Mamie... it is almost impossible to keep up with you. :-) Thread three is almost done as well. Happy reading weekend!

jan 12, 2018, 2:53 pm

>173 PersephonesLibrary: Oh, dear, Kathy! And, really, this thread still has a lot of life to it yet. I thank you for those good wishes. And for making me laugh out loud with that gif.

jan 12, 2018, 3:21 pm

>112 Crazymamie: I literally LOL'd

Enjoying all the socks and sock talk. I tend to only wear fun socks between Thanksgivning and New years. Love my Christmas socks. My problem is that I hate mid calf socks. Either ankle socks or knee socks.

Love the kitty photos.

>168 Crazymamie: You Gotta Get Bigger Dreams looks fabulous.

jan 12, 2018, 3:40 pm

I'm way behind Mamie, but love the picture of the cats, and the review of Cumming's book. He has such a beautiful voice!

jan 12, 2018, 6:46 pm

>168 Crazymamie: I love Alan Cumming! I read his book about his abusive relationship with his father Not My Father's Son. I'll have to add this one to my wishlist!

Bewerkt: jan 12, 2018, 6:58 pm

jan 12, 2018, 7:30 pm

I agree with >173 PersephonesLibrary:. Finally caught up Mamie but, no doubt you will be on your next thread by the time I get caught up again. *sigh* Love all the colourful socks.

jan 12, 2018, 8:07 pm

Way behind again! Sigh.

>8 Crazymamie: I am listening, but I'm not really liking it. The narration is driving me nuts, but maybe I just need to let go of the accents. I don't like Jazz very much. I want to like her, but too much snark and too many swears for me. I like the idea of a clever, enterprising female character, I just don't want her to talk like a gangster boy... but I persevere because my son sent it to me on Audible and he is listening too.

>45 Crazymamie: I am reading Slouching Toward Bethlehem. It's kind of freaking me out Lol. I can't tell what she thinks most of the time. She's just reporting. Which is something different.

jan 12, 2018, 11:59 pm

Well, I've had quite the lesson in sock wearing today! And I thought I was wild and crazy when I wore my black and grey argyle socks! I need to go shopping with Katie!

Bewerkt: jan 13, 2018, 10:10 am

>144 katiekrug:, >147 katiekrug: LOVE them! Must see if I can order them.
Edit: found them on amazon Germany, and the company also makes cute bags and little purses...
On amazon Italy however they only have the lamer socks and shipping costs more than a pair. Maybe I can have them shipped to my parents in Germany...

>145 Crazymamie: My shopping was interrupted, I ran into a friend, we had coffee and a long chat, and then the shops were closed already. But I'd order the ones in >147 katiekrug:, so the conditioning has worked! :)

>168 Crazymamie: BB!!! Fortunately my TA is near.... Must see if I can also get the audio with the pictures.

jan 13, 2018, 9:50 am

Hi Mamie and happy Saturday to you.

I'm too lazy to delve back into your previous-year threads, so have a question:

Why Pecan Paradisio?

jan 13, 2018, 9:56 am

Oh, I LOVE Alan Cumming and adored listening to him read his memoir to me, so I NEED this one!

Bewerkt: jan 13, 2018, 1:17 pm

Happy Saturday, Mamie

>45 Crazymamie: Very nice comments on The White Album . I, too, am enjoying it. What a marvelous time it must have been to document those days.

>151 Crazymamie: Abby's pic is awesome. Do your kitties make any growling like noises when they watch the birds? Mittens makes a sound that is part growl part purr. I'd love to know what's going on in his mind.
Also, loving the fact your window is open to the air, can almost feel the gentle breeze wafting through it.

ETA: Along with The Reluctant Fundamentalist I've added The Center Will Not Hold. Wow, my Saturday evening is set!

jan 13, 2018, 12:20 pm

Happy Saturday, Mamie! It's frigid here - are you welcoming visitors today?

jan 13, 2018, 4:14 pm

Afternoon, Y'all! I woke up this morning with an upset stomach, so I basically just went back to bed and slept until now. Still don't feel quite right, but I am much better than earlier. Craig and Rae have both had a stomach bug, so that's probably what it is. The Pecan Paradisio has been a hotbed of breakage this New Year - first the master bathroom shower fan and light began sounding like a very sick elephant, so Craig replaced it, then the water softener died, so we ordered a new one, which has arrived and awaits installment. Craig was going to put it in today, but our water heater died yesterday - no saving it, as it was original to the house and therefore has already preformed miraculously. Craig purchased a new one yesterday and has been working on getting it installed - no easy task because the water heaters are in the upstairs attic, and Daniel is out of commission with that healing broken collarbone. And Craig has been suffering with that stomach bug. Luckily for us, this is a big house and so has two water heaters, and the one that broke serves the half of the house that the master bedroom and Daniel's bedroom are on. So the washer, the dishwasher, and the girls' shower still have hot water. Anyway, last night we were heating up the ovens to make dinner, and the bottom oven kept shutting itself off. You guessed it - something is the matter with it. I really hope we are just getting all the drama over with in the first month of the New Year and that this isn't a sign....

jan 13, 2018, 4:20 pm

>175 SuziQoregon: Hello, Juli! Glad we could provide some entertainment. And thanks for sharing your sock preferences. SO fun to hear everyone chime in on the subject.

You will love You Gotta Get Bigger Dremas if you can get to it.

>176 charl08: Glad you liked the kitty photos, Charlotte. Totally agree that Alan Cummings has such a beautiful voice - I loved listening to him telling the stories himself.

>177 ChelleBearss: Me, too, Chelle! I have that memoir in the stacks on audio and plan on getting to it this year. You will really enjoy the selfies and stories if you can get to it.

jan 13, 2018, 4:29 pm

Mamie, sorry to hear you've got a bug - I hope it doesn't linger. I do love that cat picture in your post :-) And thank goodness for at least one working shower! And two ovens. It sounds like everything is breaking down in sympathy with the other things. Not what you need at any time, let alone when you're feeling ill.

jan 13, 2018, 4:29 pm

>178 Berly: Most excellent, Kim!

>179 Familyhistorian: Thanks for stopping in, Meg! I hope you are feeling much better. And who knew there were so many sock stories, right?

>180 nittnut: Hello there, Jenn! A conundrum. Normally I would tell you to just drop it if it wasn't working for you, but since your son sent it, and he is listening, too, that's different. Power through, I say - you can listen to it at 1.25x speed, which is what I almost always do with audiobooks. The snark and the swearing didn't bother me at all, so I'm no help there. But do just let the accents go - think of it as a lunar thing, not accents you are supposed to recognize. Luckily, the pacing is good and the action really picks up as it moves along.

About Didion - she was a journalist, so she was reporting. Her essays and articles were published in magazines and papers, and then later collected into books, so she isn't necessarily trying to share her opinion with you - just present the story. The John Wayne essay is where she lets it get more personal. Have you gotten to that one yet?

jan 13, 2018, 4:43 pm

>181 DeltaQueen50: Judy, we all need to go shopping with Katie. And then out for dinner and drinks.

>182 Deern: Nathalie, I am very excited about your possible sock order - hoping you can work it out. And I am thrilled to have hit you with the Alan Cumming book - it's so great.

>183 karenmarie: Hello, Karen! Happy Saturday! Paul is who coined the phrase Pecan Paradisio to refer to our Georgia home. When I started my very first thread back in January of 2012, we were still living in Indiana. Craig moved down here to start work, and the kids and I stayed to sell the house. LT was a huge blessing for me then because everyone here helped me make it through that crazy time. The house we settled on down here sits on almost three acres, and the back yard overlooks a pecan grove. I love looking at those trees, and the view is one of the reasons that we bought this particular house.

The view from our back deck, which runs almost the entire length of the house. We put the pool in after moving here.

Abby out in the pecan grove with her camera.

jan 13, 2018, 4:52 pm

>184 scaifea: Hey, Amber! YES, you do need to get to it. It is full of fabulous. And yes, do be sure to watch the documentary - I loved seeing her and hearing her read some of her stuff.

>185 Carmenere: Happy Saturday, Lynda! So fun that you and Mark and I are all reading The White Album together. The kitties do make noises at the birds, sometimes, and it is hysterical. Like little short high-pitched mews, followed by guinea pig sounds. Not all the time, but when they get really excited about something.

>186 jnwelch: Happy Saturday, Joe! It's chilly here, too, but nothing like what you're seeing - high of 46F today. And normally I would say come on down, but you probably don't want to with the stomach bug making the rounds here and the amenities on the fritz.

>189 susanj67: Thank you, Susan. Me, too with the not lingering. The kitties say hello. And yes, I am very thankful that we have two water heaters and two ovens - nothing to complain about, just a brief inconvenience. Well, for me - it's kind of a pain for poor Craig.

jan 13, 2018, 4:58 pm

Love the photos of the kitties watching birdses and the sock photos, very tempted to get out all my corgi socks (they are legion!) and take a photo to put up here, but luckily I am too lazy.

Didion is an interesting one isn't she?

We had three warm days (50 to 65) and a lot of rain which melted thirteen inches of snow except a few piles, then overnight down to 14! And snow all day, though it is only 3 or so inches. I guess it's winter. Seeing your photos triggered this paragraph!

jan 13, 2018, 5:21 pm

Oh, man, that's a great looking pool!

jan 13, 2018, 5:40 pm

>193 sibylline: Oh, if you get unlazy, Lucy, post away. I'd love to see them. Abby has a friend who has a corgi, and she loves anything with a corgi on it.

Didion is interesting - I am slightly fascinated with her at the moment, and I love how she writes even when I don't agree with what she is saying. She has a way with words.

That definitely sounds like winter to me! It was back up into the 60s and 70s here for a week, and now we have dropped back into the 40s and 50s for highs. Weird, but I will take any cold that I can get.

>194 drneutron: The pool is awesome! It's a saltwater pool, and it's heated.That little area where the bubblers are has a hole where you can stand an umbrella in, and then I like to put my chair right there in the pool under the umbrella. There is a foot wide ledge running along where you can see the umbrellas, so you can sit down into the water if you want and another ledge down at the deep end. We love it.

jan 13, 2018, 5:44 pm

Tapas are here! Break out the vino.

jan 13, 2018, 5:52 pm

Oof! Not sure my stomach can handle that, but I am happy to sit out the plates and napkins and open some wine for the rest of you.

jan 13, 2018, 5:58 pm

Oh dear! So sorry. Here, have some nice unthreatening porridge:

jan 13, 2018, 5:59 pm

Hi, Mamie! Sorry to hear you're under the weather. Get well soon!

jan 13, 2018, 6:03 pm

>198 richardderus: Yep. That's more my speed right now. Thanks, BigDaddy!

>199 harrygbutler: Hello, Harry! And thank you for those good wishes.

jan 13, 2018, 6:58 pm

>198 richardderus: Oatmeal actually sounds good to me at the moment. Since I only had a little fruit and yogurt, I may go make some.

jan 13, 2018, 7:04 pm

>181 DeltaQueen50: and >191 Crazymamie: - Anytime, ladies! You both could use a weekend jaunt to New York, methinks :)

jan 13, 2018, 7:06 pm

>201 thornton37814: I love oatmeal, Lori. Hoping you do make some.

>202 katiekrug: *grin*

jan 13, 2018, 7:12 pm

>201 thornton37814:, >203 Crazymamie: Oatmeal is go-to food for cold weather. I like grits, being Texan, for cold evenings when dressed up with cheese and black pepper. Oatmeal with apples and cinnamon or brown sugar at breakfast is superyum.

jan 13, 2018, 7:17 pm

>187 Crazymamie: Like you, I am hoping that all of the drama for 2018 is over in January, Mamie! I hope things improve soon.

jan 13, 2018, 7:17 pm

>203 Crazymamie: I was going to do so until I remembered I forgot to pick it up at the store and used the last of what was on hand. I wasn't quite in the mood for grits which was the only alternative I had on hand. I'll pick some up tomorrow.

>204 richardderus: I do like grits and have them on hand, but I'm not in the mood for them at the moment.

jan 13, 2018, 7:31 pm

>204 richardderus: Yep. LOVE oatmeal. And I also like grits, but I have never made them.

>205 alcottacre: Stasia!! Great to see you here! And thank you for those good wishes.

>206 thornton37814: Total bummer, Lori. I hate when that happens - just decided what sounds perfect and then realize that you are out of it.

jan 13, 2018, 8:48 pm

>168 Crazymamie: Thanks for your excellent comments about You Gotta Get Bigger Dreams. I'm not familiar with Alan Cumming, so I've added the book to the tbr pile of 2018.

jan 13, 2018, 9:44 pm

Oh dear, you guys really are having a breakage issue! Hopefully that's the last of it for the whole year! Got it out of the way early!

Soooooo, I want to live in your yard!! That's quite the pool and the pecan grove looks lovely!

jan 13, 2018, 10:06 pm

>198 richardderus: Non threatening depends on your point of view, Richard. IMO the only way to eat oatmeal is in cookies.

I hope that you have a short lived bug, Mamie, and that things around your house stop going on the fritz.

jan 14, 2018, 1:19 am

Oatmeal breakfast for me today in RL, love it and could have it as well for lunch and dinner.

Mamie, I hope that stupid stomach bug will disappear quickly and without hitting any more family members, and takes the house bug with it, so you're done with repairs for a very very long time.

The Cumming pics are downloadable from audible without having to buy the book, I looked through all 118 pages this morning (7am) and do feel a little hungover now. And I want a dog!

jan 14, 2018, 5:23 am

I just come from Paul's thread to tell him that I always get hungry while scrolling through his thread. It is not much difference to here, Mamie!
And: I am still running and panting! :-)

Have a lovely Sunday!

jan 14, 2018, 8:03 am

>191 Crazymamie: Love the photos! Love those trees.

Morning, Mamie. Happy Sunday. I am still enjoying The White Album. She is a helluva writer. I should wrap it up soon. Are you finished?

jan 14, 2018, 9:20 am

>208 Whisper1: Hello, dear one! It was my pleasure to share my thoughts about the Alan Cumming's book. You will enjoy it when you get to it - trust me.

>209 ChelleBearss: We most definitely are, Chelle. Luckily for us, Craig is really handy and can fix most things himself. And I hope you are right and we are pretty much finished for the years with the breakage.

Thank you for the kind words about the yard - it's one of the reasons we bought the house. We wanted enough room to install a pool and that view of the pecan trees was impossible to resist.

>210 Familyhistorian: Too funny, Meg. I love oatmeal. And thank you for those good wishes. Today I just feel achy and a little out of it, but my stomach is not upset, so progress!

jan 14, 2018, 9:37 am

>211 Deern: Oatmeal for me this morning, too, Nathalie.

And thank you for those most excellent wishes - you covered all the bases there.

So interesting that you can download the photos from Audible without purchasing the audio. Those very first pictures that are out of focus and have the subjects way over to the left are ones he took with his very first camera that he won when he was young. A little plastic Kodak. And the dogs! Honey especially speaks to me, and I loved the stories that included her.

>212 PersephonesLibrary: Sorry about all the food pics making you hungry, Kathy. I have a deep love of food in all of its various forms, and I am endlessly fascinated by how it can be presented and shared. I love hearing stories about what is traditional and what is weird - like the hot dog discussion over on Megan's thread!

Thanks for running and panting - I am honored.

Hoping that your Sunday is full of fabulous!

>213 msf59: Morning, Mark! Glad you love the photos. I never tire of looking at those trees.

I am not finished with The White Album yet - napping and football kind of ate up my reading time. I am in the middle of the fourth section, so I will either finish it today or tomorrow. BUT I did listen to The Princess Diarist narrated by Carrie Fisher, and I really enjoyed it, so thanks for making me pick it up.

Bewerkt: jan 14, 2018, 10:13 am

Oh dear...oatmeal or waffles today?


ETA size

jan 14, 2018, 10:16 am

>216 richardderus: Whoa, you're going to need a bigger fork, Captain.

Happy Sunday, Mamie!

jan 14, 2018, 11:13 am

>187 Crazymamie: Wow, you really are getting more than your share. You're lucky, however, because you have a handy husband. I'm the "handy one" here which means only the simplest things can be done without outside help.

jan 14, 2018, 11:16 am

We're doing "Whole30" this month and one of the things I miss most is oatmeal. You all aren't helping :)

jan 14, 2018, 11:51 am

>216 richardderus: YUM! Yes, please! Thank you, BigDaddy!

>217 jnwelch: Happy Sunday, Joe!

>218 RebaRelishesReading:, >219 RebaRelishesReading: Morning, Reba! I am almost always thankful for the handy husband - Craig grew up on a farm, and he got a lot of hands on experience with fixing things and trouble shooting. he also loves to learn, so anytime we have had something fixed (and remember we pretty much gutted and rebuilt our previous house, one room at a time) he watches and asks questions and gets them to teach him how to do it. The only times I am not so thankful is when he insists on doing something himself, but he really doesn't have time to do it, and then we wait...

Okay, "Whole 30"? I know I have heard of this, but I forget - no grains, dairy, sugar or something like that?

jan 14, 2018, 11:58 am

I've got a couple of friends doing dry January (no alcohol) and one doing a water challenge where the only thing she's allowed to drink in January is water. It can be hot or cold, but just water.

I don't "do" self denial in January, it's far too miserable. It would be better if New Year was in July, then I would quite happily start a new healthy eating regime.

Hope you're feeling better and that the appliances all decide to play ball and stay fixed.

jan 14, 2018, 12:04 pm

>221 Helenliz: Hello, Helen! Both of those would be tough for me. I do drink a lot of water - usually 2L/day, so I'm good there, but not being able to drink anything else would be a bummer for me. Coffee would be the big killer because that is how I always start my day.

I would do better with eating healthier in the summer months, too. The heat is a great appetite suppressant, I've found. And I don't do well with denial - it always feels like punishment. I do better with earning the calories for what I want or cutting back, but not cutting it out completely.

Thanks for those good wishes - I am feeling better today. Still not 100% but much better than yesterday. And so far so good with the appliances.

jan 14, 2018, 12:38 pm


Book #5: The Princess Diarist by Carrie Fisher, narrated by Carrie Fisher and Billy Lourd (4 stars), 2018 acquired audiobook - recommended by Mark

I am not usually one to read celebrity memoirs. Mostly because I don't want to find out something I don't know and which then ruins my love of a favorite movie or book or celebrity. I don't need to know the inside story that badly. And Star Wars! I was ten when I saw the first movie in the theater, and I have loved it every since then, and it is a love I share with my own children. It's precious to me - I don't want it damaged or tarnished. So, I had already decided that I would not be reading this book - not because I didn't trust Carrie Fisher, but because I wanted to protect the memories I already have with these movies. Sounds silly, right? That's fine, I am completely comfortable marching to the beat of my own drummer. But then Carrie Fisher died, and that was staggering because she was one of the youngest cast members of the original movies. And they were just making more of these movies, telling more of the sad. Anyway, after a few of my trusted friends here had read and reviewed the book, I decided to give it a chance, and I am so glad that I did. Fisher narrates the book herself, and she is fabulous - her personality, sense of humor and snarky comments all come through so brilliantly. And she is so great with impersonations! Her daughter, Billy Lourd, narrates the actual diary entries, which are in the middle of the book and comprise maybe one third of the total book.

The diary entries were not at all what I was expecting. I was thinking dated entries with brief summaries about the filming or anecdotes about the process of making the movies. Instead what we get are lovely candid insights into a nineteen year old who is making her first big movie. There is poetry and humor and self doubt. There is a laying bare of the heart. And it is a perfect fit to have the daughter read the entries of her mother's younger self. I like that Fisher bookended the diary entries in between her own narrative of looking back to those days and of playing such an iconic and beloved character that would follow her the rest of her life, which sadly was not long enough. Fisher is snarky and irreverent and laugh out loud funny, but she is also gracious. Highly recommended, and a side note for audiobook listeners who, like me, like to increase the speed - you can listen to Fisher at 1.25x speed perfectly, but go back to the 1x speed for Lourd and the diary entries.

jan 14, 2018, 1:23 pm

*sigh* Only sixty! My goddesses, too young to go at a measly sixty.

jan 14, 2018, 1:28 pm

I completely agree. I'm still sad about it.

jan 14, 2018, 2:08 pm

Dropping by. Hi. Carry on.

jan 14, 2018, 2:12 pm

>226 weird_O: Bill, I was just over at your place but I couldn't see the photo of the bookshelf. And congrats on finishing a book!

jan 14, 2018, 4:02 pm

> 220 That's it -- no grains, dairy, legumes, or sugar. We're finding it much easier than we expected, partly because I bought their "Fast & Easy" cookbook and we've liked everything I made from it. I struggle a bit with breakfast because it's really eggs (any way you like them) or eggs (any way you like them). I like more variety. But once I have oatmeal back, and maybe yogurt, I'll be a happy girl (and hopefully a healthier, slimmer girl :) )

jan 14, 2018, 5:35 pm

>223 Crazymamie: Ok I need to get this now. Next months Audible purchess I think.

*Crys* Fisher diying last was a gut punch.

Hi Mamie!

jan 14, 2018, 5:40 pm

>156 Crazymamie: LOL I love those carpe diem socks!!!

>198 richardderus: porridge. Mmm, a great comfort food, so long as it includes clotted cream, rhubarb compote and some sort of chocolate on top :)

>223 Crazymamie: well that is good news! I though bad thought about how this one might be, a rehash of diary entires? really? But maybe I was thinking of my own diary entries and what a poor basis for a book they would make :)

Bewerkt: jan 14, 2018, 8:16 pm

I don't get into the whole self denial of various foods in January, either. Food is good. Now if only it tasted right I would be a happy camper. The illness has affected my taste buds. I hope your illness doesn't affect the taste of food, Mamie.

jan 15, 2018, 7:54 am

Hi Mamie!

I hope that you're feeling much better today and that the house fall-aparts are over and the replacement fixes in. We went through a phase of that several years ago too. Only my husband is not handy and we always have to pay people to do things for us.

Having a pecan grove definitely explains Pecan Paradisio. Thanks for explaining and sharing the pics!

jan 15, 2018, 8:00 am

Morning, Mamie!

jan 15, 2018, 8:08 am

Good morning, Mamie! I hope you're back to health today.

jan 15, 2018, 8:28 am

>223 Crazymamie: Great review of The Princess Diarist. Big Thumb! Let the warbling continue...

Morning, Mamie. Woke to 2-3 inches of snow. Ugh! I am off today, so at least I don't have to trudge around in it. Silver linings...

jan 15, 2018, 8:43 am

>228 RebaRelishesReading: Oof! That is a lot to cut out all at one time. And 30 days is a long time to do it. More power to you! And good thinking buying the cookbook. Can you just skip breakfast or it that a nono?

>229 BBGirl55: Totally worth an Audible credit, Bryony. And you are right - it was a gut punch.

>230 LovingLit: Me, too, Megan. And yep - I like my porridge with all the extras.

And I know, right? I have never kept a diary, but I was picturing dated entries with tidbits if the filming and maybe some gossip. And it is nothing like that at all.

jan 15, 2018, 8:51 am

>231 Familyhistorian: Right, Meg. Food is good. And oh, dear, about the taste buds! Not good - hoping that rights itself very soon. My taste buds are fine, and I sincerely appreciate your thinking of them. *crosses fingers*

>232 karenmarie: Hello, Karen! Feeling pretty much the same as yesterday, so not 100% but not horrible. And no nausea, so that is wonderful. And thank you for those good wishes - Craig did indeed get everything installed and fixed, even the oven, so he is my hero.

We don't own the pecan grove - it just provides the view. The grove runs behind the back of all the houses on our street, as it is a large one. SO, we do have to put up with the noises of a commercial pecan grove, but it is so worth the little bit of hassle to be able to gaze upon those trees whenever I want. And we don't have to worry about any houses going in behind us because pecans are big business in Georgia, and this one is very profitable.

>233 scaifea: Morning, Amber!

jan 15, 2018, 8:53 am

>234 harrygbutler: Morning, Harry! Still not feeling great, but much better than Sunday, so I can't complain.

>235 msf59: Morning, Mark! A thumb!! Thank you!

And snow! I know you are not excited about it, but I am. And hooray for not having to trudge through it to deliver the mail. Hoping your day off is kind to you.

jan 15, 2018, 9:18 am's That Day and there is no sign of Orc-With-A-Toothache Mamie...too weird for me, like chocolate polluting my porridge...

*backs slowly from thread*

jan 15, 2018, 11:13 am

Hey Mamie! I hope you're feeling better by now!

Bewerkt: jan 15, 2018, 11:20 am

>187 Crazymamie: Oh my, I hope everyone at the PP is much better by now. I hear that bug is going around. You need chicken soup. Lots of noodles is the key!

>196 richardderus: Oh no, those are not sardine wrapped green olives, are they? blaaaaaaaaaaa almost as dreadful as a picture of a snake.

The pool looks so inviting. When do open it?

Yeah for us reading The White Album!!!

and Yeah for enjoying The Princess Diarist. One of the few memoirs I've enjoyed. I also liked Tina Fey's Bossypants and Amy Pohler's Yes, Please although a little less so.

jan 15, 2018, 11:21 am

Happy day that shall not be named, Mamie.

jan 15, 2018, 11:29 am

I feel I'm missing something. What's wrong with the day after Sunday? I mean, apart from the obvious >:-)

jan 15, 2018, 11:39 am

>239 richardderus: I don't know what you are talking about, Richard. *blinks*

Did I mention that Birdy made me chocolate chip pancakes and brought them to me in the bedroom this morning?

>240 The_Hibernator: Hello, Rachel. And thank you.

>241 Carmenere: The repairs are finished, but the bug hangs on, Lynda. Ironically, Craig got it first, and he is still feeling really yucky, poor guy. That chicken soup looks mighty good - thank you!

We usually open the pool in either March or April, it just depends on the weather.

I have loved reading The White Album, and I am looking forward to comparing notes with you and Mark. I hope to finish it up today.

And yes, The Princess Diarist was worth the listen - I tend to tread carefully with the celebrity memoirs, but this one was very well done.

jan 15, 2018, 11:42 am

>242 BLBera: Thank you, Beth! Hoping it goes quickly and smoothy since the weekend misbehaved a bit.

>243 Helenliz: Hello, Helen. Right, it's the obvious. I feel like the day gives off a bad mojo, so I try to just make it through without making eye contact with it or drawing its attention to me.

jan 15, 2018, 11:46 am

>245 Crazymamie: Quite understandable. I get an easy start to the week, as I work from home so don't have to go into the office to work until Tuesday. Jeans & jumper, a heater, the radio and unlimited access to tea makes it less of a nasty shock to the system.

jan 15, 2018, 12:17 pm

Okay now, Helen. Don't laugh. Are you sitting down? I don't go to work. I just don't like the part about beginning the week all over again. Heh.

jan 15, 2018, 12:21 pm

>241 Carmenere: Oh poor, poor Lynda! Suffering from undiagnosed Food Misery Syndrome for so long...avoiding green olives *yummm* enhanced by anchovy wraps *moreyummm* the sadness, the loss....

>244 Crazymamie: *checks for pitchforks and torches before addressing Scary Lady* That Birdy has a career in the Foreign Service. She could defuse the tensions in the Middle East singlehandedly!

jan 15, 2018, 12:42 pm

Birdy is indeed a gem of the highest quality. A delight. She also has an extra share of snark in her, which I adore. She was born old, that one. Here is a funny from the weekend to make you giggle: We were watching the Falcons/Eagles game Saturday and Abby ran into the room to check the score and then was edging back out again, so I said, "Way to support the local team, Annabelle." (Last time Abby visited Craig's mom, she was introduced to everyone as, my granddaughter Annabelle. Nice.) Anyway, Abby looks sheepishly as me and says, I don't want to cheer for them. You know if I cheer, they will lose. This is actually true most of the time - Abby is bad juju for sports teams. Rae was also not cheering, but she tells Birdy quietly that she is rooting for the Falcons but doesn't want to jinx it by cheering out loud. Birdy is suspicious because Rae usually always cheers very loudly for her Giants, and the Falcons are playing the Eagles, which is Daniel's team, and Daniel is sitting right there in his Eagles jersey. So Birdy says, not true. TRUE, Rae declares, every time I cheer for the team I want to win, they lose, so I'm just like Abby. And Birdy, without missing a beat says, The difference is that when Abby cheers for a team, they lose, and you cheer for losers.

jan 15, 2018, 12:43 pm

still keeping up with your thread! This is unheard of me this far in to January. >241 Carmenere: poor Lydia, that really sucks.

jan 15, 2018, 12:44 pm

Bryony, I am so proud and so honored.

jan 15, 2018, 12:45 pm

Ooh.. I'm jealous.... I'd love to receive breakfast in bed ... as opposed to being the one making breakfast. Oh well ... perhaps in my next life.

jan 15, 2018, 12:45 pm

Heh! She's also quick-witted! Pity my oldest grandson is still too young for a match to be made.

jan 15, 2018, 12:47 pm

>252 cameling: It's a toss up for me, Caro, because i also love making breakfast. But this morning, it was a lovely treat.

>253 richardderus: She's a card, Richard. You would love her. How old is the grandson?

jan 15, 2018, 1:01 pm

I would have loved to have stayed under the covers for longer this morning though, because it was 11F and then have someone bring me hot buttered toast, a mug of tea, scrambled eggs and baked beans.

jan 15, 2018, 1:08 pm

>255 cameling: Well, that sounds lovely. I mean, except for the part about the tea. And 11F is a great reason to stay under the covers.

jan 15, 2018, 1:11 pm

>254 Crazymamie: Sixteen in March!! Terrifying.

jan 15, 2018, 1:14 pm

>257 richardderus: Sixteen!!! Wow, that seems impossible. How did that happen?

jan 15, 2018, 1:17 pm

Well, there was that Thanksgiving fight I had with Laurie in 1980....

jan 15, 2018, 1:17 pm

*belly laugh*

jan 15, 2018, 1:19 pm

Remember when Birdy turned fifteen, and she got her hair colored that beautiful blue? And this year she will be twenty. It boggles the mind.

jan 15, 2018, 1:22 pm

How!! HOW DOES THIS HAPPEN?!? Kristin is nudging 40... she's 37! How is *that* possible?!

jan 15, 2018, 1:25 pm

Right. We're going to need a drink.

jan 15, 2018, 1:29 pm

Make mine a triple.

jan 15, 2018, 1:34 pm

Hadda go down cellar to get the best hooch.

jan 15, 2018, 1:36 pm

Hi, Mamie!

>223 Crazymamie: What a lovely review of The Princess Diarist. I added my thumb.

I never read that kind of book. They just don't interest me much. The exceptions are Tina Fey and Amy Poehler, whom I'd like to have host together every show there is that's in need of a host. But now you've really tempted me with The Princess Diarist. She was a special one, and you make the book sound awfully good (as did brother Mark).

jan 15, 2018, 1:47 pm

>249 Crazymamie: Oh, ZING! *virtual high five for Birdy*

jan 15, 2018, 1:47 pm

>264 richardderus:, >265 richardderus: OH!!! Bless you, my dear! I am honored and shall try to be worthy of it.

>266 jnwelch: Hello, Joe! And thank you for the thumb! I thought the book was so well done, and I normally don't read that kind of memoir, either. I don't know if it would be as charming in print, as part of it's voice to me was listening to her actually tell the story herself. Love both Tina Fey and Amy Poehler, though I have not read any of their books - agree that they could host anything successfully.

jan 15, 2018, 1:48 pm

>267 scaifea: I know, right?! I'll pass that virtual high five on to her, Amber!

jan 15, 2018, 2:09 pm

>265 richardderus: Richard, you're killing me here. First Mark and his massage, then the good stuff here. Spacecraft be damned - I'm taking the afternoon off.

As if. 😁

jan 15, 2018, 2:31 pm

>270 drneutron: But it's a lovely thought, Jim. Have a virtual glass with us.

jan 15, 2018, 2:41 pm

Ahhhh, much better.

jan 15, 2018, 2:54 pm

Well done Birdy.

I don't do whisky, but didnt want to be left out!

Cucumber optional.

Bewerkt: jan 15, 2018, 3:05 pm

>272 drneutron: See? We're here for you, Jim.

>273 charl08: *grin* What exactly is that, Charlotte? I can't read the label. Gin?

jan 15, 2018, 3:21 pm

Hello Mamie! I hope is well with you.

Stopping in with a random movie recommendation. It is a Netflix film called 'What Happened to Monday?' I thought it was cool near future dystopia. However, the amazing things is that Noomi Rapace plays sextuplet in the film and is brilliant. The filming is also amazing as conversations and interactions between the sisters are visually seamless. Check it out!

jan 15, 2018, 3:30 pm

>273 charl08:

>275 brodiew2: Hello, Brodie! All is well. I have actually looked at that one, but I have not watched it - I will check it out. Thanks!

jan 15, 2018, 3:35 pm

Hi again, 43 posts down the road on the same day.

Even though the pecan groves are not yours, they're definitely preferable to people and houses, IMO.

I, for one, like This Day of the week because it means that after two usually fun but not alone weekend days with Bill, I get 5 quiet, no TV, just me and the kitty days. My energy needs replenishing by This Day a.m. Can you say introvert?

jan 15, 2018, 3:58 pm

>277 karenmarie: Hello, Karen. Agreed about the pecan grove, and we get all of the beauty without any of the maintenance.

I am also an introvert, but this day does not mean alone time for me, so...

Bewerkt: jan 15, 2018, 4:40 pm

>276 Crazymamie: That's right. Gin! The bottle is Edinburgh Gin with elderflower....

Eta I'm wrong - it's elderflower liqueur. Ah well, bet it also tastes nice.

jan 15, 2018, 5:10 pm

You made me laugh, Charlotte! Let's give it a try.

jan 15, 2018, 6:16 pm

After all the strain of catching up on this runaway thread, I'll take a sip or two myself!! Crazy, hope you are feeling better ASAP. I already have the audio of The Princess Diarist so you can't bullet me twice. : P Good luck on the home repairs. Yeesh.

jan 15, 2018, 7:17 pm

We have elderflower liqueur that we use to make gin and tonics. One of our favorite cocktails!

jan 16, 2018, 12:13 am

>265 richardderus: While I couldn't have a sip of that now (it's 6 am where I am reading) I'd happily have some tonight, it's one of my favorites!

Mamie, my reaction to the Princess Diarist audiobook last spring was identical. I rarely read celebrities' memoirs, but this one got to me, and I'm not a real Star Wars fan.

Birdy's blue hair was 5 years ago?!? :O

jan 16, 2018, 7:01 am

Oh hey! It's 5:00 somewhere, right? I recently discovered A shot is like cough syrup (erg) but mixed with a little Cran-Pineapple juice? Oh my

jan 16, 2018, 7:01 am

Morning, Mamie. Off to work, in the snow. Yippee!!

Enjoy your day!

jan 16, 2018, 10:35 am

>281 Berly: Thanks, Kim. I am feeling a bit better today. You will like The Princess Diarist when you get to it. And the home repairs are all already done - Craig got everything fixed over the weekend.

>282 drneutron: Oh! I love a gin and tonic in the summer months. I will have to look out for that and give it a try - what ratio do you use when mixing yours?

>283 Deern: Thanks for sharing that about The Princess Diarist, Nathalie. I loved her sense of humor and was touched by how gracious she was about everything.

Yep - five years ago! Doesn't seem possible, does it?

jan 16, 2018, 10:41 am

>284 dragonaria: Hello there, Kimberly! And yes. Interesting - Craig loves rum, so I will have to pass that along. He has some infused cognac thing that he bought last time, and it also tastes just like cough syrup to me, but I love the smell of it.

>285 msf59: Morning, Mark! Hoping that working in the snow goes better than you think. I will endeavor to enjoy my day, thanks.

jan 16, 2018, 10:54 am

Happy Tuesday, Mamie! I'm glad you're feeling a bit better. I hate that sort of ambiguous feeling of bleh...

I am suffering the effect sof two night of being up too late with a tad too much wine. But it's nice to be with colleagues again...

jan 16, 2018, 11:01 am

Hello, Katie! Happy Tuesday. It's a hanger-on; Craig has had it for more than a week now and keeps going back between feeling better and then feeling worse. I am hopeful because I feel like I also have more energy today, so we'll see.

Suffering for a good cause, eh? When I quit my job to stay home with Rae and Daniel, that's what I missed most - my work group. Hoping your head and the rest of you feels better as the day goes on.

jan 16, 2018, 12:32 pm

>286 Crazymamie: Fill tall glass with ice, add 1 oz of elderflower, 2 ounces of gin. Fill remainder with tonic, stir briefly. add a little chunk of lime.

Bewerkt: jan 16, 2018, 12:35 pm

>291 Crazymamie: Oh, thanks for that, Jim!

*I filed it in my recipes as The Doctor's Gin and Tonic
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