What do you think of the 2018 debates?

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What do you think of the 2018 debates?

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mrt 26, 2018, 3:19 pm

Spoilers are allowed on this thread, so read with that in mind.

I'm surprised to see The Boat People gone already. I think it's very topical and really was one of the better books in opening our eyes about issues around refugees and about our processing system in Canada.

I was expecting Jully Black to vote off Forgiveness: A Gift From my Grandparents because of the comments she'd made earlier in the show.

I don't really agree with how Tamoh is characterizing American War as about empathy...I didn't get that as a theme from that book.

Who do you think will win? Probably too early to tell....Marrow Thieves or Forgiveness: A Gift From my Grandparents, I'd guess.

mrt 26, 2018, 10:02 pm

I'm listening without having read any of the books. Some years are like that, I still like to listen.

I'm still interested in reading The Boat People.

I think Forgiveness sounds like the winner to me. And I'm not understanding why American War is even there. Do Canadians need to read more books about the US?

(sorry, no touchstones)

Bewerkt: mrt 26, 2018, 10:53 pm

I honestly thought American War would go first. It's a fantastic book but not exactly about Canada. I was really surprised that The Boat People was voted out as that was my favourite so far (I have Marrow Thieves left to read.

Jully really needs to dial it down.

mrt 28, 2018, 12:21 am

>3 Yells: Yes, I agree about Jully. She comes across as someone who doesn't read a lot of books. I really like her music and go Jully, but here I'm not loving her so much.

I've watched Jeanne Beker since the 80s and have never warmed to her, and I'm still on the fence, but I think she's doing pretty good.

I still think Forgiveness is winning.

mrt 28, 2018, 9:23 am

I find it interesting that the two people who I thought were the most articulate debaters, were the first two cut. I have never been a Jeanne Beker fan (I don't love fashion) but I think she wins.

mrt 28, 2018, 10:22 am

>5 Yells: I find it interesting that the two people who I thought were the most articulate debaters, were the first two cut.

Good point, especially the guy defending Precious Cargo.

mrt 28, 2018, 1:24 pm

These comments are about Day 2 of the debates:

--I thought the clips by Ralph McLean, Tamoh's father (Tony), Greg's daughter (Olivia) were so powerful!

--It was nice to see so many younger people in the audience than in the past, as well as more men. (On Day 3 I noticed there were some school groups there...maybe that accounts for the younger demographic on Day 2 as well?)

--After Day 1, I didn't get Tamoh's point that American War was about empathy, but Mozhdah really hit the nail on the head when she pointed out that by reversing the roles of the US and the Middle East, the author was creating space for us to empathize with those living in war zones today.

--I was surprised when Jeanne voted against Precious Cargo as she'd voted against American War the day before.

Day 3 was less exciting...everyone seemed a bit down. Jully's singing "Imagine" was a bit much, I thought.

Not a single vote against Forgiveness: A Gift from my Grandparents yet....looking good for Jeanne and Mark Sakamoto.

It terms of opening eyes (the theme of this year's debates) I think The Boat People best fits the bill.

mrt 28, 2018, 1:46 pm

I thought The Boat People best fit the theme as well - I was quite shocked to see it go first. I think Forgiveness just might take it without a single vote against.

Bewerkt: mrt 28, 2018, 7:52 pm

>2 Nickelini: Joyce, I read the Boat People and while the writing was a little clunky, and the book perhaps a bit heavy handed, I still gave it 4 stars and I feel I learned a lot about Sri Lanka , as well how badly we treated refugees here in B.C. Our detention camps for refugees are much worse than I ever imagined, at least under the Stephen Harper government. I wrote a brief review on the main page of the book. I'd would have been happy to see Boat People win.

>8 Yells: I agree, Danielle, I think Boat People fit the theme really well. It was really well researched too.

I should add that I've only read Boat People and Forgiveness, so now I'll pull for Forgiveness.

mrt 29, 2018, 12:18 am

>7 LynnB: Day 3 was less exciting...everyone seemed a bit down. Jully's singing "Imagine" was a bit much, I thought. Yep, yep & yep, although she does have a lovely voice and I still like her music (the songs that I know). But she's obviously not the type of reader who would . . . say, join LibraryThing.

>9 vancouverdeb: I read the Boat People and while the writing was a little clunky, and the book perhaps a bit heavy handed, I still gave it 4 stars and I feel I learned a lot about Sri Lanka , as well how badly we treated refugees here in B.C. -- Sri Lankan lit is one of my things, and I've read a lot of books about Sri Lanka, so I will definitely get to this one eventually. And I don't think I've met a Sri Lankan book yet with a BC connection, so that's a plus.

Did anyone notice the bit when Tahmoh mentioned Romeo Dallaire and Shake Hands With the Devil? The only one in the room you could see was Mozhdah, and her face was complete deer in the headlights. And maybe they had the mics turned down, but the room was silent. So disappointing.

mrt 29, 2018, 9:20 am

Nickelini, I, too, got the feeling that few people (including most of the panelists) knew who he is! What a tragedy. He has done so much to promote awareness of and support for those with PTSD and to bring awareness to the true story in Rwanda as well. A very brave man

I really like Tahmoh....though I'd never heard of him before not being a sci-fi fan. He's thoughtful, intelligent and cares about Canadian issues.

Still favouring Forgiveness: a Gift from my Grandparents over American War, though. Although I appreciate the messages in American War more having heard Tahmoh and Mozhdah speak about it.

mrt 29, 2018, 12:06 pm

Wow! Day 4 was so exciting. Around about 40 minutes in, I became convinced that American War would win because of Tahmoh's excellent defense of it.

I was surprised that Mozhdah voted against it as she seemed to be leaning towards in earlier on. I thought, at first, that Jully would vote against it as well, but as the debate went on, it became clearer that she was warming up to it.

I'm always sad when Canada Reads ends...once a month (as suggested by Jully Black) would be too often as I like to read all the books ahead of time, but I would love twice a year.

mrt 29, 2018, 1:41 pm

I wasn't surprised Jully voted against Forgiveness -- she seems to really dislike Jeanne Beker.

I was impressed by Tahmoh as well, and like you, was not familiar with him.