SciFi Astronaut couples sent to "nearby" star

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SciFi Astronaut couples sent to "nearby" star

jul 26, 2018, 1:07 pm

Read in the early 1980's
The "mastermind" sends 10 specially chosen couples (or maybe 10 total people) on a long trip in a spaceship to a "nearby" star. He does not expect them to survive once they arrive but they will have 10-20 years of time during travel. Instead of simply being bored he expects them to make advances in math and physics and such, since they have nothing better to do. They do, but that changes the "rules" and instead of sending back great advances they send back cryptic messages that must be decoded.

nov 30, 2019, 5:53 pm

The explorers/colonists make extensive advances which might include mental powers and develop new ways of communicating. (Still hoping someone will recognize this plot.)

dec 10, 2019, 1:37 am

Sounds like a really good book lol now I wanna read it😂

okt 31, 2020, 12:01 pm

Found it! Starburst by Frederik Pohl