Group read: Fool's Errand by Robin Hobb - The Tawny Man Trilogy

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Group read: Fool's Errand by Robin Hobb - The Tawny Man Trilogy

Dit onderwerp is gemarkeerd als "slapend"—het laatste bericht is van meer dan 90 dagen geleden. Je kan het activeren door een een bericht toe te voegen.

jan 8, 2019, 10:35 am

Welcome to our group read of Robin Hobb's Realm of the Elderlings series. This is the thread to discuss Fool's Errand the seventh book in the Realm of the Elderlings series and the first book in The Tawny Man trilogy.

There's no set timetable for this read but a few people are planning to start this in February

Link back to the main group read organisation thread with a full series listing and timetable.

Please use the spoiler tags (<spoiler>spoilery comments</spoiler>) and also include the chapter in bold so people who are reading along know whether it's safe to read the spoilers.

jan 8, 2019, 4:09 pm

Added this thread to the group wiki. Have fun!

jan 28, 2019, 12:59 am

Started yesterday. I'm reading the Kindle version and its interesting that the icon on the dashboard page is the cover of the 4th book, but the actual cover when the Kindle book is opened is:

Bummer! At least the second page is slightly more interesting:

jan 28, 2019, 4:03 pm

Lots and lots of references to The Willful Princess and the Piebald Prince. I'm so glad I stopped to read it yesterday, as I think I would have been wondering about some of the references. It wasn't at all the story I expected, and left me with a lot of questions, but at least I can go on reading Fool's Errand without wondering about it.

So, in Chapter IV, Hap's new friend, a hedge witch passes through Fitz's house. She looks at his palms and says
Your one true love is stitched in and out and through your life.
Fitz immediately thinks of Molly, but the next chapter is titled The Tawny Man. Hmmm...

feb 1, 2019, 7:51 pm

Finished yesterday. I enjoyed getting back to Fitz, Nighteyes and The Fool. I think Fitz has matured, he doesn't seem to be making as many questionable decisions as he did in the first trilogy but is still making some. He seems to be listening to his friends a little more, which is a good thing. Although there were some things that happened in the book that were not yet explained, it didn't end on a cliffhanger like some of the other books.

Things that I hope get followed up:
1. The necklace that Fitz and Dutiful find on the Other's beach
2. The feathers and the crown that The Fool has
3. It seems like Hobb is setting up a relationship between Jinna and Fitz - I wonder how this will end, because I don't see it going anywhere
4. Who is Chade's apprentice?

Bewerkt: feb 27, 2019, 6:22 am

I've started! One thing that struck me anew, is why is the Wit so loathed but the Skill thought of so positively? Because it's a "royal" magic I guess, but they are quite similar, and if anything, I would think knowing someone had the Skill would be far more terrifying, what with the being able to take over your mind and totally brainwash you effect that it can have!
Also, a big realisation I've had in the early chapters, about the Fool is ...He is also Amber from the Liveship traders series. I maybe should have realised that earlier, but I think you only get the final pieces of the puzzle from comments he makes when he visits Fitz's cabin.
>4 rretzler: I've quickly come to the same conclusion as you on this score, Robin! It's pretty clear in the last trilogy that the Fool is in love with Fitz, and is pretty gender fluid to boot, but Fitz as of yet seems to be entirely oblivious to it!

feb 28, 2019, 8:49 pm

>6 HanGerg: Hannah, I agree, the Wit and the Skill seem to be very similar. The Willful Princess and the Piebald Prince does sort of explain why the Wit is looked down upon. Here's a quote from that book, which is not a spoiler:
It was no shame, in those days -- not for one to have the Wit nor for one to use it. Some folk said then that much good could come of that magic.
But the Skill is definitely more terrifying to me as well.