amysisson's short fiction reading stats for 2019

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amysisson's short fiction reading stats for 2019

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Bewerkt: feb 5, 2019, 2:20 pm

Stats 2019 year-to-date (current as of January 31, 2019)

Stories read: 85

Words of short fiction read: 161,479


Novelettes (7,501-17,500) words: 4
Short stories (1,001-7,500 words): 27
Flash stories (501-1000 words): 46
Micro stories (1-500 words): 8

Known or apparent author gender:

Female: 41
Male: 40
Unknown: 3

Bewerkt: feb 5, 2019, 2:22 pm

Stats for January 2019:

Stories read: 85

Words of short fiction read: 161,479 (see note 1)


- Novelettes (7,501-17,500) words: 4
- Short stories (1,001-7,500 words): 27
- Flash stories (501-1000 words): 46
- Micro stories (1-500 words): 8

Known or apparent author gender:

- Female: 41
- Male: 40
- Unknown: 3

Favorite Jan 2019 DSF story: "The Spider's Garden" by Jamie Lackey
Favorite Jan 2019 EDF story (see note 2): "This is What I Know" by Haley Biermann
Favorite Jan 2019 Nature "Futures" story: "Cold Memories" by Laurence Raphael Brothers

My blog post about my 4 favorite stories read in January 2019 is here:

Note 1: I obtain each story's word count in one of these ways: 1) I go by the publisher's stated word count; 2) I copy and paste the text into Word and run the word count function; or 3) I estimate the word count, (usually for print books) by counting the words on two randomly chosen sample pages in the book and applying their average to the story's page count.

Note 2: Because there are so many stories published by DSF and EDF, there are always likely to be ties for my highest rated stories. (I use LibraryThing's 0-5 stars scale, which allows half-stars as well.) So my entirely subjective way of choosing one favorite is to look back at my notes for all the tied stories, and decide which of the stories I would most like to re-read.