Likely (possibly) children's book, Western, survivor of scalping passes out in a windstorm, early 1970s or earlier

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Likely (possibly) children's book, Western, survivor of scalping passes out in a windstorm, early 1970s or earlier

Bewerkt: dec 1, 2020, 1:46 am

So as previously posted, I am searching for this book for a friend of mine who expressed a wish to reread it without having any idea of the title, the author, or really anything else. She has been a great help to me in many many areas of my life, where I am sorely lacking the ability to adequately express my appreciation. I would really love to find this book for her and gift it to her.

As the subject says, this is likely a children's book, could be young adult, I'm not sure that she specified. A character in the book, I'm unsure if this is the hero or not, was a survivor of a scalping. One of the things she remembered about him was that he had regrown skin over his brain, apparently there was no bone, and at one point he was caught in a windstorm and the wind hitting the top of his head caused him to pass out. She told me some other things but I can't recall what. Absolutely no idea on the plot.

I would really appreciate any and all help with this. I know it's pretty vague. Thank you all so much.

Edited, adding extra information, such as it is - they were rounding up wild mustangs and hearding them into a box canyon.

Edited, this story is from the perspective of a young boy, or a young man, I'm unsure if it's in the first or third person though.

okt 15, 2020, 3:19 pm

Bump. Still looking. Thanks!

okt 18, 2020, 9:56 am

I don't exactly have an answer for you, but I have an idea which I hope might be helpful. There is a true story of a man named Josiah Wilbarger who was scalped and survived, albeit with a hole in his skull, in 1830's Texas. I wonder if your friend read about him in an anthology such as J. Frank Dobie's I'll Tell You a Tale. In Dobie's retelling, originally published in 1960, Wilbarger didn't get knocked out by the wind but he was awoken by the wind hitting his exposed head. Do you think it might be something like that, or do you think it was a novel?

okt 19, 2020, 8:41 pm

Oh, I don't know, but that sounds like it could be correct for a 50-year-old memory. I will look at that. Thank you!

okt 27, 2020, 7:31 pm

So I don't think this is it. I've looked at this pretty extensively and based on her, my friend's, story I don't think this is it.

I wonder if anybody knows of a fictionalized version of this? Or any characters large or small that are based on Josiah Wilbarger?

I'm going to go ahead and see if I can get more information from her but I won't be seeing her for at least a week. In the meantime if anyone has anything new to add, I would appreciate anything you've got.

I will update when I have new information.


nov 13, 2020, 3:31 pm


nov 25, 2020, 1:56 am


mei 15, 8:55 pm
