New Hobbit audiobook?

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New Hobbit audiobook?

dec 7, 2020, 9:52 am

Has anyone heard the new recording of The Hobbit as read by Andy Serkis (the voice of Gollum in the movie)?

I thought Rob Inglis did such a fine job of it (and of the Lord of the Rings as well) that it would be unnecessary to re-do it. Anyone heard them both?

dec 7, 2020, 5:14 pm

I've not heard the Inglis voice performance, and I'm not a regular reader of audiobooks, but as it happens I just started the Serkis version as a way to support my younger son's reading. I've gone through just the opening chapter, but really enjoyed it: different voices for various characters, that inimitable Serkis enunciation, and a British accent.

If we continue it's because my son wants to, and Tolkien (even The Hobbit) is a bit above his ready comprehension at this stage. But who knows: that was true of Treasure Island, too, but reading it aloud made all the difference.

dec 7, 2020, 6:03 pm

Thanks. I figured it was probably pretty good in an absolute sense. I just thought it was curious that it was produced by the same audio company that had already done the Inglis. Inglis's Hobbit and LotR were well-regarded.