Fantasy novel, white road, society of amazons

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Fantasy novel, white road, society of amazons

mei 26, 2021, 8:21 pm

Looking for a book I read in high school, just one of numerous books I grabbed at random from the fantasy/sci-fi section of my local library. I've tried finding it myself, now I'm going to rely on strangers on the Internet.

Things I remember:
-A group of nefarious wizards is using an army of mind-controlled (possibly, that sounds right) slaves to build a superhighway paved in white stone to moves armies cross-country. In a scene I vaguely recall, one of the wizards is walking along a finished section of the road and is dissatisfied with the progress of the slave-laborers.
-In the far north of the world is an all-female warrior society whose founder gave them the instruction "suffer not a man to lead you." This is important, because their queen has a son, who as I recall is the only male in their micro-nation. There's a scene where one of the amazons flirts with him briefly, then immediately regrets it because the queen has a standing hands-off order.
-Something about a forced political marriage? Possibly between the queen's son, mentioned above, and some woman who absolutely hates his guts? The scene was in a small chapel in the beneath-parts of whatever city they were in. (Full disclosure: it's possible this scene is from a totally unrelated book and I'm just confused, but I feel like it belongs here.)

The latest this thing would have been published is 2006. Any and all assistance appreciated.

Bewerkt: mei 27, 2021, 12:13 am

This is likely one of The Recluce series by L.E. Modesitt, Jr. It could be The Towers of the Sunset or Fall of Angels.

mei 27, 2021, 9:57 pm

Having looked into it, that seems extremely likely. Thanks, much obliged.