Found: Crime novel - psychic woman (Faith??) helps a police detective (Roy??) find killer. (Killer is killing psychics I think)

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Found: Crime novel - psychic woman (Faith??) helps a police detective (Roy??) find killer. (Killer is killing psychics I think)

aug 25, 2021, 6:16 pm

I read the book probably around 10+ years ago now it is about a woman who is psychic and knows everything about you by touching you, and so hates touching people. I THINK she comes into contact will a serial killer in a club bathroom and survives. From what I remember, the killer is killing psychics and so she must work with (or is protected by) a detective, who fall in love with each other.

As a side note, somewhere along the way I think she finds out she has two sisters, who possibly have powers or are psychic too. I have a feeling they had something to do with a lab and are triplets?

Don't take this as fact, but I have a feeling the detective was called Roy and the woman was called Faith.

Thanks for your help!!

aug 25, 2021, 8:57 pm

aug 26, 2021, 9:40 am

aug 29, 2021, 9:27 am

Amazing! That's it! Thanks so much, I really appreciate it! :)

aug 30, 2021, 9:45 am

>4 Abyyr: Would you please indicate which suggestion was the correct one? If anyone else is looking for this book, it will help them. Thanks!

aug 31, 2021, 12:58 am

I read this book about 8 years ago, I don't remember the name or the author. I remember the cover page though. Could you help me find the romance book about a girl who has a crush on her adopted brother and when she's 18 before going to college they drive together to make out point and she loses her virginity to him in his car and later she has a miscarriage when she goes off to college and finds out she is pregnant. She later starts to pop antacids before she reunites with her adopted brother at her big brother's wedding when they dance together.

aug 31, 2021, 10:29 am

>6 RebekahJo: Please start your own thread.