Jurassic Park - Folio edition

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Jurassic Park - Folio edition

sep 15, 2021, 2:43 pm

I was watching an unboxing video of the Folio Jurassic Park edition, and noticed that the slipcase might actually have raised edges, as in, textured. Does anyone own this volume, and if so, could you please tell me if it really does resemble dinosaur skin? (Even though they mostly had feathers depending on these species). This just might be the book that makes me join the FS bandwagon.

sep 15, 2021, 4:28 pm

The slipcase does have a leathery texture. I've not touched dinosaur skin so can't really comment on the resemblance.

sep 15, 2021, 5:20 pm

Bewerkt: sep 16, 2021, 7:31 am

>2 kvnchn: well I heard on BBC Radio 4 this week that scientists have or are working on creating a baby woolly mammoth and introducing such to the artic in order to manage climate change. It sounds outlandish but yeah they’ve got woolly mammoth DNA - not far from the premise of Michael Crichton’s magnum opus.

Edit: wholly to woolly

sep 15, 2021, 6:41 pm

>2 kvnchn: Haha well done.

sep 15, 2021, 7:49 pm

>4 ironjaw: "It sounds outlandish . . ."

Not so outlandish. The woolly mammoth is placed on the thinning ice, slips into the water, and after 10 million years becomes a sea creature. After another 100 million years it climbs out on to the baked tundra as a super-intelligent being, gives an update to Radio 4, and goes on to chair the latest Cop Conference. Sometimes the simple answers are the best.

sep 15, 2021, 9:19 pm

>2 kvnchn: Thank you! Guess I'm making my first Folio purchase! So excited :-)

sep 16, 2021, 2:25 am

>1 Gilded_Tomes1: The following YouTuber thanks Folio Society 'for sending me this book in order to share it with everyone' implying that this was a free review copy.

Given your background in palaeontology from Princeton University (GOOOOO Tigers!), perhaps you could request a similar copy from FS for a scholarly study; with the promise of sharing the outcome with everybody.

>1 Gilded_Tomes1: ...makes me join the FS bandwagon.

Speaking of bandwagons, how does one go about joining the dino-wagon? Do you have any advice, notwithstanding crawling skins and ruffled feathers?

sep 16, 2021, 5:51 am

Great now he’s made further troll accounts to talk to himself.

sep 16, 2021, 7:32 am

>6 boldface: Jonathan, I laughed out so loud that I spilled my tea on my shirt! Brilliant!

sep 16, 2021, 7:43 am

>8 mr.philistine: Thanks for this video! I didn't know Folio gives away review copies? I do get review copies of paleontology texts, but these are predominantly from university presses.

It depends on what kind of dino-wagon you mean. If you mean paleontology, the field itself is subdivided into numerous categories. Micropaleontology (Study microscopic fossils)l Palynylogy (pollen, spores created by plants); Paleoanthropology (prehistoric humans); ichnology (tracks left by fossils); Paleoecology (past climates and natural disasters); Paleobotany (fossilized plants); Invertebrate Paleontology (invertebrate animal fossils); Vertebrate Paleontology (vertebrate animal fossils). My area of expertise is the latter, as this focuses on dinosaurs (lately I have been examining the link in evolution between dinosaurs and birds), though I also have focused on prehistoric whales, some of which could walk on land. I know it sounds weird, but it's a thing. When my husband was still articling after finishing law school at Oxford, I took a sabbatical and moved to Egypt for 6 months, joining a paleontology team to examine fossils from the area that supports this theory.

I could go on for hours about this, but it's a fascinating field to be in. The advice would be that if you're serious about joining, immerse yourself in the scientific literature. And it's nothing like Jurassic Park, LOL.

sep 16, 2021, 7:45 am

>9 Charon49: I expected my post might earn a few flags. Instead, I am called a troll-clone :/

But a 'friend request' from the enemy I did not expect! Perhaps my sarcasm was too good-natured or maybe I am fast turning into a dinosaur myself, I do not know.

Bewerkt: sep 16, 2021, 10:59 am

Dit bericht is door zijn auteur gewist.

sep 16, 2021, 11:01 am

>8 mr.philistine:

Great video. My favourite quote:

"In between the illustrations there's plenty of incredible words."