Some biographical details of Bertie Wooster

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Some biographical details of Bertie Wooster

jan 7, 2022, 5:25 pm

1. Has written an article called "What the Well Dressed Man is Wearing" for Aunt Dahlia's magazine Milady's Boudoir.

2. Has been known to read Erle Stanley Gardner (reference: Stiff Upper Lip Jeeves)

3. Does not like deep philosophy (which Lady Florence Craye would like him to read) though is quite happy to claim he has been reading "the latest by Spinoza" to Lady Florence.

4. Won the Scripture Knowledge Prize when he was in school.

5. Does not do any work, but leads a comfortable life due to a handsome amount left for him by an uncle (?) and also presumably what he inherited from his late parents.

Please add additional details if you recall any.

jan 9, 2022, 12:38 pm

His middle name, Wilberforce, is in honour of a racehorse that did well for his guv’nor — nothing to do with any evangelical tendencies.

He was educated at the Rev. Aubrey Upjohn’s prep school (Malvern House?), then Eton and Magdalen. Or at least he attended those establishments and came out with a mind full of random quotations from the Bible and great poetry…

Wodehouse never tells us much about Bertie’s undergraduate days. I don’t think we ever find out whether he graduated, let alone what he was supposed to be studying. I believe the University has lost the paperwork about him somewhere, so we will probably never know.

Bertie gets more than two pages in Daniel H Garrison’s Who’s who in Wodehouse, and there’s a lot more about his life in the memoir Jeeves: A Gentleman's Personal Gentleman (ghost-written by C. Northcote Parkinson, of Parkinson’s Law fame).

jan 9, 2022, 5:21 pm

All sorts of interesting stuff about Bertie in this topic from 2008.

jan 10, 2022, 3:13 am